
ssistant Cheng is really a heroine!”

ssistant Cheng is really a heroine!”
“After doing this for a long time, Assistant Cheng turned out to be a fake person. What? Assistant Cheng, you deceived my brother so hard! You can’t do it, you can’t do it! Today, we two brothers and sisters are going to have a drink and make up for all the wine you lost in your previous cheating and cheating, Assistant Cheng!”
“That’s it! Cheng! Assistant, I have toasted to you several times, but you used to be fake! Today you have to toast me two glasses no matter what.” “”In the
/shop, you can either be soft to the end and risk your life to accompany the gentleman; or you can be tough. After all, let everyone think that you can’t drink, you are allergic to alcohol, and you will die if you drink too much. As for a tough person, once you start to soften, everyone will know that you can actually drink. Even if you are just trying to show off your strength based on politeness or table manners, there will be endless troubles later, especially for a person who is the center of attention, wherever you go. For a woman who is the center of attention and does not have a strong backing.
Tonight, Cheng Wenjin experienced the embarrassment of being besieged by everyone and unable to escape:
“Assistant Cheng, you don’t want to give me face now? Director Wang just did all the honors to you, but I saluted you and you only drank half of it. ? What? You look down on me? You do it, you have to do it, Assistant Cheng! You won’t leave today unless you **** me!”
“Assistant Cheng, I’m here to salute you too! I wish you the best! Our sister Cheng is getting more and more beautiful, getting younger and younger, and will always be 18 years old! If I do it, my brother won’t force you, just drink half of it!” “
person after another, one cup after another, until the end, Cheng Wenjin didn’t do it either. Knowing how many drinks she had drank, she just felt like the world was spinning and the things in front of her were blurry. She wanted to lie down somewhere and never wake up. It seemed like someone was speaking in my ear, but the voice was very far away and ethereal, as if it were across a bottomless abyss. Then, she felt herself being picked up and staggered forward. But it doesn’t feel like I’m walking, but like I’m floating in the clouds.
/This chapter is an update for the new leader “Dad Ai Xinyue”! There are two chapters, and one more at the end! Thank you “Lao Zhang” for your generosity!
However, what surprised him was that Cheng Wenjin went to the meeting alone today. After asking around, it turned out that the other party’s husband’s work unit was also having a group visit tonight and he couldn’t be distracted.
Immediately, Liu Zhiji felt that this was a God-given opportunity. It was a God-given opportunity that had never been seen in a millennium or a million years!
Tonight, he actually didn’t want to do anything to the other party, because it was a group meeting, and except for the leaders, the grassroots employees generally had to bring their family mem

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