
r the dormitory numbers of the other girls. Wen Xiaohan had served as a volunteer to receive new students. Except for him, she received almost all the new students in the class and knew them all. Wen Xiaohan quickly told him the phone numbers of the other three dormitories. Wang Bo nuzzled at Wei Shousong, and Wei Shousong immediately wrote them down knowingly.

r the dormitory numbers of the other girls. Wen Xiaohan had served as a volunteer to receive new students. Except for him, she received almost all the new students in the class and knew them all. Wen Xiaohan quickly told him the phone numbers of the other three dormitories. Wang Bo nuzzled at Wei Shousong, and Wei Shousong immediately wrote them down knowingly.
/After hanging up Wen Xiaohan’s phone, Wang Bo immediately called the other three dormitories. Two of them got through and one went unanswered.
/The two people who got through had the same reaction as Wen Xiaohan’s in the dormitory. As soon as he said a few words that were not sales but more like sales, there was immediate feedback from the other side, saying that they wanted to buy too, and asked whether they were here to talk or whether they were from the Russian department. Senior sister, go over.
How dare Wang Bo let them come over? As soon as the other party came over and called his name, things would get messed up. If not, he would have led “Little Rabbit Ya” to knock on the door in each dormitory and tell his name. , and if you buy a dictionary from “Little Rabbit Ya”, he promises to give it an autograph. I’m afraid if you get it right, everyone will rush to order from him.
Thinking of this, Wang Bo really had the urge to resell dictionaries. Not to mention more, with his name, more than half of one or two thousand new students can make a deal. Then he holds thousands of orders and goes directly to negotiate with the first-level wholesaler. At that time, there is no 15% discount that can be given to him. If it exceeds 30% off, there is no need to negotiate, and it has to be delivered to his door.
OK, even if it’s 30% off. The net profit of a dictionary will be 75*30%=22.5 yuan. He sold a thousand copies, which was a net profit of 22,500 yuan, which covered all the tuition fees for four years of college.
This is something that Wang Bo can achieve almost 100% of the time if he thinks about it. Moreover, more than 20,000 yuan in 2001 was not a small amount of money. It could pay for four years of college tuition and buy a house of about ten square meters in the central district.
Although the thought was a bit tempting, he just thought about it and drove the tempting thought out of his mind. Firstly, he is not short of money; secondly, and most importantly, there are many students in the school who resell dictionaries, and those who do this kind of business are almost all poor students. For them, ten yuan and twenty yuan can make a good living. For a few days, he was one of them in his previous life. There are not many ways for students to find money. If he gets involved, with his fame and prestige, it will be a “dimensionality-reducing blow” to other students, and they will not be able to withstand it!
After the two phone calls, Wang Bo thought of Zhong Jiahui again. So I called Zhong Jiahui immediately. The situation at Zhong Jiahui’s side was exactly the same as that at Wen Xiaohan’s side. When she heard that he was taking the lead, she im

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