
is one of the eight Ivy League schools after all. I heard that the teaching style is more suitable for you.”

is one of the eight Ivy League schools after all. I heard that the teaching style is more suitable for you.”
Han Qianshan saw his son’s happy expression , I was so angry that I was so cold-hearted, and I secretly cursed countless times for not being satisfied.
“Yeah.” I have only left Montana a few times since I was a child, and the 1990s was an era of rapid development in the United States.
He had only seen it in books before, but now he had the opportunity to experience it in person. He didn’t want to lose this opportunity. Moreover, Han Xuan raised his head and said seriously: “Staying here all day will make you depressed.”
Fatty turned back dissatisfied and said loudly. With his tail drooping, he squatted in front of Han Xuan and flashed his paws. The expression on his face clearly said: “I can’t explain why Brother Meow scratched your face.”
“I’ll take you there too, okay.”
Hearing this, the fat cat suddenly became alive. She came over and tried to lick his face, but when she reached halfway, she heard Han Xuan saying to himself: “Forget it, there is no one to take care of you there, and there is no McDull to play with you.”
Poor Pang Ding’s glass heart , with his head hanging down, he broke away from his hand and staggered towards the fire. Not even five seconds later, he saw two chinchillas huddled by the fireplace. Their little ears suddenly stood up, and they walked over with a smirk on their bodies.
“The ranch is boring. There are so many animals and the scenery is so beautiful.”
The father scolded his son angrily. Before he finished speaking, he heard Han Xuan mutter: “There are no people and no city.”
“At least there are still me and you. Mom.”
Han Qianshan held back this sentence for a long time. With a land of more than 380,000 square kilometers and a population of only about 900,000, he couldn’t even find an excuse.
He simply changed the subject and said, “Stop hiding the check in your arms. Take it out and show it to me.” ”
This is my living expenses. If you dare to touch me, I will bite you!” Han Xuan quickly stepped back, thinking that something was wrong, and turned over He ran to hide behind a tree.
“You big kid, what are you doing with so much money? I’ll save it for you and give it to you when you grow up.” ”
Dad, that’s what you said when it came to the New Year’s money. I didn’t see any of it!”
“Who said that? Yes, I left you a hundred for your birthday last month.”
“Damn it!”
Han Xuan muttered in a low voice, slowly came to the sofa and sat down, swinging his legs, turning to look at his father: “So you let me go ”
It’s still a few months away, we’ll talk about it then.”
“It won’t be long, Angie.”
In the kitchen, Joanna leaned on the door frame and stretched out her head: “Want to have dinner? It’s ready.”
The parents saw Han Xuan kept asking, and now he had a reason, and he said in unison: “Here he comes!”
/“But” “Shut up.”
“The United States is so big, I want to see it.”
“Go and eat first!”
In ten In the autumn of mid-January, cattle and sh

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