
am sending him two million in cash, which is like giving him timely help!

am sending him two million in cash, which is like giving him timely help!
/But what about Ding San of Net One? Compared with these founders, Ding San is a miracle, because from the beginning to the end, he has hardly diluted his equity. When NetEase was founded, he owned more than 50% of the equity of NetEase. Until Wang Bo left that world, Ding San also held more than 40%, nearly half of the equity of NetEase!
What does this mean? In the eyes of other people, they may think that this guy is stingy, not willing to give out shares to his employees who make a fortune. In fact, in the Internet circle, compared to some other big guys, Ding San gives the impression that he is “stingy”, “conservative”, “not gambling” and “like a small businessman”. Once a new business enters the capital level, If he burns money to compete, he will give up categorically. For example, he did not participate in the group buying war in 2008, the video war in 2009, and the cloud disk war in 2011, all because boss Ding Sanding believed that the money was burned too much and there was no hope of profit.
From the beginning to Wang Bo’s death, it can be said that Net One has always had smooth sailing and rarely occupied the forefront of the limelight. Except for the two times when Ding San became the richest man in China, it attracted a lot of media coverage.
At the same time, compared with several other Internet tycoons who frequently occupied the front pages of the media, Ding San remained silent and cultivated his own one-third of an acre of land. To describe it in one sentence, it was called a loud voice. fiscal! The “Network Open Courses” that Wang Bo loved to watch and the “Network Cloud Music” that Wang Bo loved to listen to in his previous life were two good products created by this guy in silence.
/“So, this trading suspension incident should be the biggest difficulty and setback that Ding San has encountered so far, right?” Wang Bo, who was sitting in front of the computer and looking at the trading suspension information of Wang Yi, pinched his chin and recalled the previous life with Ding San and Wang Yi. Relevant memories, thinking about whether I should go to Ding San to “help him in times of need”.
Imperial Kerry Center, NetOne headquarters, CEO office.
“Mr. Ding, there is a man named Wang Zi’an outside who wants to see you. Look,” Ding San’s secretary Xiao Tang knocked on the door and entered Ding San’s office and said cautiously.
“Wang Zi’an?” Ding San had a puzzled expression on his face.
“That’s the person who writes novels and songs!” Xiao Tang stuck out his tongue.
“Very famous?” Ding San raised his black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, still not sure who the secretary was talking about. He neither likes reading novels nor listening to music.
A few minutes later, after the secretary’s introduction, Ding San finally had a general understanding of the visitor, and he smiled: “Haha, it turns out that he has a good background, but I am ignorant. Why, Xiao Tang, you are also a fan of that Wang Zi’an. ?”

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