
why are you so stupid! You are the stupidest fool in the world. You are a complete fool! Zhong Jiahui was so moved that she burst into tears.

why are you so stupid! You are the stupidest fool in the world. You are a complete fool! Zhong Jiahui was so moved that she burst into tears.
Later that day, Zhong Jiahui finally explained to Liang Ya the reason why she went abroad with her. In addition to being reluctant to separate from Liang Ya, as a student As a foreign language student, she also wanted to go to Britain and the United States to experience something. Wang Bo’s encouragement and encouragement, especially the sponsorship of her study abroad expenses, became “the straw that broke the camel’s back” and made her finally make up her mind. He decided to accompany Liang Ya to the United States.
Liang Ya also learned from Zhong Jiahui’s mouth that Wang Bo was concerned and worried about her, and finally begged Zhong Jiahui to accompany her across the ocean. Liang Ya had a complicated mood. She wanted to give up the idea of ??leaving several times, but in the end reason prevailed over emotion
. Of course Liang Ya was eager to have someone to accompany her, and she was also the best and closest sister.
So, in the next month, She stayed in Shuangqing to help her sisters prepare for the TOEFL.
For Zhong Jiahui, a sophomore majoring in English, she did not need to prepare for the exam. She only needed to do a few sets of TOEFL questions and become familiar with the TOEFL question types.
“Jiahui, with your scores, you can apply for Ivy League private schools.” Ten days later, Liang Ya looked depressed when she saw Zhong Jiahui’s TOEFL score missing a perfect score by one point. She originally thought she had done well in the exam, but when Zhong Jiahui’s results came out, she understood the difference between majors and amateurs.
“I don’t care about the Ivy League or the Sweet Potato League. Xiaoya, when the time comes, you can apply to a few more schools, and I will apply to the same schools with you. Anyway, whichever school you go to in the end, I will go with you. Don’t even think about leaving me to pick up handsome foreign guys! I want you to pick up the two sisters together!” Seeing Liang Ya’s somewhat deflated expression, Zhong Jiahui laughed.
/Zhong Jiahui went back to her hometown and told her parents about her plan to study in the United States with Liang Ya. This, of course, shocked his parents.
“What, Jiahui, you, you and Liang Ya are going to study in the United States? You, you don’t have a fever, right? Or is your brain short-circuited?” After she told her parents about her plan at the dinner table, Zhong Jiahui’s mother Wu Caixia He asked with a look of dementia.
Zhong Jiahui couldn’t convince her parents, and her purpose today was not to convince her parents, but to inform her elders so that they could be mentally prepared. Whoever dug the hole will bury it. Since Wang Bo had the idea to leave the country, he should naturally handle the aftermath.
Wang Bo’s position in the hearts of Wu Caixia and Zhong Zhengjiang is no longer what it used to be. Wu Caixia has always had a sweet dream of letting her daughter be with Wang Bo,

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