
easily in the future. Furthermore, he also planned to take the time to return to “Narnia” and casually threw out two drops of a legendary medicine that had a miraculous effect on resurrection. Yin Kuang said nothing, turned around and left the cave.

easily in the future. Furthermore, he also planned to take the time to return to “Narnia” and casually threw out two drops of a legendary medicine that had a miraculous effect on resurrection. Yin Kuang said nothing, turned around and left the cave.
Chi Lian and Cheng Dantong stared blankly at the small bottles in their hands. The fiery red liquid inside made their eyes and cheeks red. They were obviously very excited! There is no doubt about the preciousness of “Fire Flower Juice”. Its “resurrection” miraculous effect can be used even by juniors, let alone sophomores. This kind of treasure cannot be found even in the college auctions that claim to have “everything you need”! It is rumored that some people who have made significant contributions to the student union will receive a drop of reward from senior Chongming. And Yin Kuang casually threw out two drops? While the two of them were excited at the moment, they both thought: “I didn’t expect him to hide it so deeply.”
Cheng Dantong couldn’t help but sigh: “If we had really listened to him, maybe our situation wouldn’t be so bad. Chi Lian’s face was gloomy and uncertain, and he said: “Why bring up the past? Let’s bury her body quickly. Then we can deal with Yin Kuang’s matter as soon as possible. I originally thought he would let us I helped him deal with Concubine Xiao, but I didn’t expect that I was narrow-minded. What others value is this world.” Cheng Dantong was shocked: “You mean he wants to complete the world mission? But” Chi Lian said: “There is nothing wrong with it. . Do you think he will keep us if we refuse? In places like colleges and universities, things that have no use value are burdens and must be discarded, and the same goes for people.” Chi Lian glanced at Lu Xialeng underground, obviously He said to her, “It’s better to just let him fight.” Chi Lian also looked at it openly, or in other words, it was realistic!
/Cheng Dantong couldn’t help but nodded.
After that, they gathered Lu Xialeng’s body, found a place in the cave to bury it, and then headed towards the Hallelujah Mountains. The upcoming war between the Na’vi and humans will take place in that place.
/After Yin Kuang left the cave, he quickly went to the gathering place for the banshee winged beasts outside Hallelujah Mountain. After searching for more than half an hour, he finally found a suitable banshee winged beast. However, Yin Kuang discovered that these banshee-winged beasts were obviously much stronger than before, and they looked more fierce. There are even more banshee-winged beasts that can spit out scorching flames, although only a very weak ball. It is very obvious that Pandora’s god “Ava” is using her magical power to accelerate the evolution of Pandora’s creatures. Obviously, “Ava” obtained information about Pandorai’s future from college students and knew that millions of human coalition forces were about to attack, so she made preparations in advance to make her people stronger. to prepare for the coming disaster.
However, these rapidly evolving banshee winge

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