
er, she suddenly clapped her hands and said excitedly: “High, it’s really high! This kind of thing has no proposition and no frame.” and direction, articles that allow people to express themselves freely can best reveal a person’s nature! Who is hypocritical, who likes to flatter others, just one article can read them all. Yanzi, I am very curious, you What did you write?” The excited Lin Shan suddenly looked at Zheng Yan and asked curiously.

er, she suddenly clapped her hands and said excitedly: “High, it’s really high! This kind of thing has no proposition and no frame.” and direction, articles that allow people to express themselves freely can best reveal a person’s nature! Who is hypocritical, who likes to flatter others, just one article can read them all. Yanzi, I am very curious, you What did you write?” The excited Lin Shan suddenly looked at Zheng Yan and asked curiously.
After hearing Lin Shan’s analysis, others seemed to have some truth to it, and they became curious and asked Zheng Yan what he had written.
/Zheng Yan’s article can almost be regarded as a “confession” she wrote to Wang Bo. Only Wang Bo can read it. It would be embarrassing to tell others. Of course Zheng Yan is not willing to tell it.
“It was all written randomly and I just dealt with it. At that time, my mind was blank, like a ball of paste, and I didn’t even know where to start.” Zheng Yan said.
“You wrote something randomly, right?”
“Yes, then what did you write, Yanzi? Hehe, it can’t be a love letter, right?”
“Say it quickly!”
Several friends began to press. , asked.
“Love letter, you big-headed devil!” Zheng Yan blushed and rolled her eyes at Zhang Yu who said this. “Don’t ask, I won’t tell you. Anyway, it’s just a bad writing.”
When Zheng Yan When several of her roommates were walking back to the dormitory, jokingly asking her about the contents of the written test, Chen Xiang had already handed eight test papers into Wang Bo’s hands.
However, the sad and pleasant handwriting is secondary. What is important is the meaning and emotion expressed between the lines. While reading, Wang Bo sometimes raised his eyebrows and sometimes grinned, feeling comfortable and comfortable. He could almost completely imagine the other person’s mood and demeanor when he wrote these words, the kind that wanted to express his feelings but had to worry about maintaining his identity. Restrained patience.
“Hey, girl, when you write these words, are you scolding me in your heart?” Wang Bo chuckled.
The article was not long, less than a thousand words, which was equivalent to a college entrance examination essay. Even if he read it word for word, he would finish it in two or three minutes. Wang Bo read it from beginning to end again. The more he read, the more excited and excited he became. He wanted to pick up his phone immediately and notify the other party that he had been admitted.
However, he finally restrained this impulse. A person who travels a hundred miles is only half a century old. Regardless of the interview or the written test, he pretended very well and did not let anyone see that he had any care or preference for Zheng Yan. If he decided on the candidate less than ten minutes after the written examination, it would inevitably arouse suspicion.
“Wait a little longer and let that little girl suffer. I don’t believe that, faced with this kind of opportunity that can affect a person’s life’s destiny and step into the gold-collar class in one fell swoop,

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