
n Lin said.

n Lin said.
But there is a problem. If these material things are earned by themselves with their own hands, it is fine. The problem is not. They are all given by Wang Bo. It was given by Wang Bochengquan.
Therefore, the question arises. For outsiders, over time, people will feel dissatisfied and ask why and why.
What should I do? What can she do? Liao Xiaoqing thought helplessly, for this, she can only pray for the character of Xu Jing and Zhou Shu. It’s not that she doesn’t have any opinions on Xu Jing and Zhou Shu, everyone They are both classmates and friends, and the relationship between them is actually very good.
However, things in this world are very strange. We don’t suffer from scarcity, but from inequality. When everyone is similar, they can often be good friends. But once someone suddenly becomes prosperous and enters another class and circle, the relationship and friendship between them will often become weaker and weaker.
Just like she and Han Lin, they used to be similar to Zhou Shu and Xu Jing. They dressed the same, ate the same, and used the same things on daily basis.
However, since she became Wang Bo’s woman and had the closest relationship with Wang Bo, whether it was dressing or daily expenses, compared with the past, how much had she and Han Lin improved by more than two levels? It is simply a hijab with a different face, with a qualitative difference! Wang Bo seems to be happy for them to live a life that is higher than those around them, and is happy to see them dress up elegantly and beautifully, which is pleasing to the eye. Well, they themselves actually like to dress themselves up beautifully, as long as they are women. , who wouldn’t want to?
It was not Wang Bo’s style to eat dullly, so he started to make jokes, tell some jokes, and toast to the women from time to time. After drinking a few glasses of beer, the atmosphere that was a little dull at first slowly became lively, and the girls talked more. In the end, they even started to turn around and people lined up to toast to him. .
/We are no longer young, we are no longer innocent, we are no longer young, and we know the importance of material and money. They study hard for sixteen or seventeen years. Is the ultimate goal really to seek knowledge? Serve the motherland? It’s false to say this. The most basic thing is not to earn a living, find a good job, be able to support yourself, live a good life for yourself, and let your parents live a good life?
Others have worked hard for sixteen or seventeen years, but they can achieve the ultimate goal and the life they want. They have achieved it easily before they even finished college, and they will get many benefits and wealth in the future. It’s unclear, it’s limitless, because the man they’re following is limitless.
/And the price they paid for this?
There is almost no price, just various enjoyments that you and I wish to enjoy.
This makes me a bit jealous and hated by others. Even if they are best friends, they are not jealous or hateful now, but once they go out

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