
is just like the school cafeteria. It is a big pot of rice, one meat and one vegetarian. It costs three yuan. It is not expensive, but the food is very unpalatable, at least in her mouth. In the past few years of following Wang Bo to open a small stove, she has become accustomed to Wang Bo’s picky taste in food. Whether it is ingredients or condiments, they are all high-end products. In terms of cooking skills, she and Chen Xiang have also made great progress in the past few years. After years of pondering and practicing with countless ingredients, the food they produced is no worse than ordinary chefs. In terms of hygiene, at home, it is even worse.

is just like the school cafeteria. It is a big pot of rice, one meat and one vegetarian. It costs three yuan. It is not expensive, but the food is very unpalatable, at least in her mouth. In the past few years of following Wang Bo to open a small stove, she has become accustomed to Wang Bo’s picky taste in food. Whether it is ingredients or condiments, they are all high-end products. In terms of cooking skills, she and Chen Xiang have also made great progress in the past few years. After years of pondering and practicing with countless ingredients, the food they produced is no worse than ordinary chefs. In terms of hygiene, at home, it is even worse.
Finally, her father warned her sternly that if she dared to “withhold” the money sent to her family next month, he would disown her as his daughter and ask her to spend “a few dollars” of the money the family had spent on her in the past twenty years. “One hundred thousand” back, and then break away from the father-daughter relationship with her!
I work hard every day, and if the pay is good, I still get something. Unfortunately, the pay during the internship is pitifully low. 30 yuan a day, plus 2 yuan for transportation and 3 yuan for food. When she came back in the evening, it was almost eight o’clock. She couldn’t go to Wang Bo’s apartment to have a free dinner. The school cafeteria was also closed. She could only go out to eat a bowl of noodles or a rice bowl or something. This was another time. 3 pieces. In addition to food and transportation expenses, she now only gets 22 yuan, which is only more than 600 yuan a month, as she gets up early and returns home every day.
/Moreover, she has heard from the old employees that even if she leaves the internship period, she will have to join the other new graduates recruited by the group after graduation. She will have to intern for another half a year before becoming a full-time employee. The internship salary after graduation will be 1,200, and the salary after graduation will be 1,500. , the sales commission will be calculated only after that. The premise is that you have customers on hand and complete the sales. This process usually takes one to two years. Unless the salesmen in front are very lucky, they don’t have big customers, and some of them are just scumbag customers.
All of these are the group’s rigid rules for fresh graduates, and no one can be exempted from them. Even the company’s CEO Mou came here this way. At that time, they will be uniformly arranged for military training, receive disciplinary education, and then uniformly go to the factory. Braving the temperature of tens of degrees in Shuangqing, they will stand on the assembly line sweating like rain with blue-collar workers to assemble engines and motorcycles, so that they can become familiar with the company’s products. I will recommend it to foreigners in the future! As a foreign trade salesperson, if you are not even familiar with your own products, how can you make sales?
The pitiful money, insufficient sleep, three hours of bumpy driving e

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