
came to accommodation, Wang Bo thought of a very important issue. When he thought of this issue, he found that his little heart suddenly jumped up and he could no longer calm down. Wang Bo glanced at Tian Xin beside him and asked tentatively: “Sister Xin, how do you think we should stay tonight?” “

came to accommodation, Wang Bo thought of a very important issue. When he thought of this issue, he found that his little heart suddenly jumped up and he could no longer calm down. Wang Bo glanced at Tian Xin beside him and asked tentatively: “Sister Xin, how do you think we should stay tonight?” ”
How? How should we stay?” Tian Xin was a little confused.
“That’s right, let’s open a few rooms!”
“Ah, let’s open a few rooms, this” Tian Xin muttered, not knowing how to answer for a moment.
If Wang Bo was an adult man, she would definitely say two of them without hesitation. But the problem is that Wang Bo is still a minor. Before coming to Chengshi, his mother repeatedly told him to take good care of his son. She herself had slapped her breasts loudly at the beginning. If the two of them lived separately and this brave guy sneaked out of the hotel, how would she explain to her parents if something happened?
This is only one aspect.
/On the other hand, although Tian Xin has never stayed in a hotel, he also knows that the price of a hotel must be expensive. Especially for hotels in Chengdu, and this guy is looking for a three-star hotel, it’s even more scary. Although Wang Bo can decide the expenses in Chengdu, he will definitely have to reimburse his parents when he returns home! Again, when someone’s parents asked me to accompany him on a business trip, they were doing it for business, not for fun and enjoyment.
And through her time at “Zengsao Mifen”, especially her observation of Wang Bo for such a long time, Tian Xin really believed that this guy would definitely do something big in the future, and she really wanted to follow him. Growth, while witnessing miracles, also changes your destiny and career. But one of the prerequisites for realizing all this is that Wang Bo’s parents cannot let Wang Bo hate him or have any bad opinion of him.
Obviously, no one likes an employee who is extravagant and enjoys himself.
Tian Xin felt very embarrassed!
When Wang Bo saw the expression on Tian Xin’s face, he probably knew the worries and “torture” in her heart.
“Sister Xin, how about we open two rooms?” Wang Bo asked Tian Xin in a negotiating tone, but before Tian Xin had any answer, he began to sigh, “Oh, it’s just that this way, I don’t know how to go back to Sifang.” Then why don’t you give me a job, old man! I hope he won’t blame me for spending too much money!” Wang Bo sighed while secretly looking at the expression on Tian Xin’s face with his peripheral vision.
Tian Xin was already very hesitant, but now that Wang Bo mentioned his old man Wang Jichang, Tian Xin became even more hesitant and undecided. After thinking about it, I felt that I would rather “risk” myself than risk leaving this guy alone.
“Xiao Bo, it’s too wasteful to live in two rooms. The hotels in Chengdu are definitely expensive, so let’s just live in one. Let’s get a standard room and we’ll each sleep on a bed.” After thinking about it, Tian Xin finally decided to open one. house.
“Yes! We will live in the same room. It will be m

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