
sted the energy supply of the Erto Intelligent System to the lowest physical condition.

Erto Intelligent System has been growing in Erto Fund for unknown years, and long-term learning has made its own defense almost impregnable. David does not use physical energy reduction to reduce its computing power, and it is almost difficult to change the highest authority.
After changing the highest authority, the owner of Erto Intelligent System became David.
David spent some more time setting an ultra-long-range route to the Erto intelligent system, and then he left the cruise ship in space near Kian.
The cruise ship was managed by Erto’s intelligent system. The engine switched to warp drive in front of David’s eyes. In an instant, the cruise ship accelerated to the speed of light and disappeared.
When the exoskeleton armor with level three defense enters the atmosphere, the heat energy is completely isolated from the exoskeleton armor, and it falls to Kian like a meteorite.
/Skynet on Kian did not find David, because with such a small size, Skynet would directly consider it a meteor and would not take it seriously.
The size of David’s exoskeleton armor is many times smaller than the smallest single-person flying shuttle. In addition, there are very few exoskeleton armors that can fly, and there are even fewer exoskeleton armors that can enter the atmosphere. Kai An Xing’s Skynet did not suspect this small object that was almost ignored.
The Kian Star government and military are extremely busy right now. Both the police and the military have received information about the accident on the Erto satellite.
Of course, it goes without saying that the ‘Kryptonite Powder Bomb’ and the tens of thousands of defensive missiles on it, as well as various weapons were all turned on. The resulting explosion and the fall of a large number of spacecrafts had already alarmed those outside the attack range near the Erto satellite. spaceship.
These spacecrafts spread everything that happened in front of them, and now it has already spread on Kian.
Someone even saw the scene of the ‘Kryptonite Powder Bomb’ with the naked eye on Kian.
Especially when the police and military spacecraft arrived at the Dalto satellite, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.
Thousands of defensive missiles, coupled with the bombing of the ‘Krypton Crystal Powder Bomb’, turned the entire Erto satellite into ruins. The crazy security system mistook everyone on the Erto Satellite as intruders, and the consequences were disastrous.
There are no living people on the Erto satellite. No matter where they are hiding, the security system with powerful scanning capabilities can find them.
The security system uses defensive weapons, vigilance robots everywhere, and even maintenance robots and cleaning robots to clean up the last survivors hiding everywhere.
Even when military and police soldiers boarded the Erto satellite, they were attacked by the security system.
Of course, after the security system consumes all the defensive missiles, its attack

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