
ut he has supported more than 200 out-of-school students. , and eventually fell ill from overwork and fell on the podium.

ut he has supported more than 200 out-of-school students. , and eventually fell ill from overwork and fell on the podium.
/Once this TV series was aired, it aroused a strong response in the society. Central media such as People’s Daily, Dazhong Daily, and Liberation Daily reported intensively. CCTV also specially invited the daughter of the late teacher to the Great Hall of the People to provide a speech for the whole country. People told touching stories about their father. The overwhelming public opinion has also pushed Jiangdong Province to the forefront of the “conversion of private people to public”. Therefore, at the end of last year, there was news that Jiangdong was about to issue detailed rules for “conversion of private people to public”. On October 6, 1995, the State Education Commission “About < The "Republic of China Teachers Law > Implementation Opinions on Several Issues” serves as the basic framework, combined with the local reality of Jiangdong, to quickly promote the regularization of private teachers.
So when Zuo Yuxi appeared, Wen Huaiming had been thinking about her purpose of coming. After much deliberation, only this reason made sense. As for the others, he would never have thought of them even to death.
Zuo Yuxi still had a bit of a smile for Ding Mei, but was much calmer for Wen Huaiming. She placed her jade-white palm on the fire and slowly turned it over, saying: “Secretary-General Wen is in the municipal party committee. If the province is energetic, , you should have known first, why did you ask about me instead?”
Wen Huaiming choked, Wen Liang covered his mouth and coughed lightly, Zuo Yuxi’s wonderful eyes flashed, and he suddenly smiled and said: “Oh, I’m going to It’s just a joke, Secretary-General Wen, don’t mind it!”
Wen Huaiming’s hands were itching, and he felt the urge to hit his son for some reason. He smiled and said, “No, no, what does Director Zuo mean?”
Talking about work, Zuo Yuxi’s His expression became serious, and he spoke countless times more than usual, saying: “The Provincial Education Commission is only seeking opinions internally. The transfer must be done, but the specific method of transfer, how many batches will be transferred, and how many people will be transferred in one batch have not yet been determined. Conclusion. This matter is very difficult to do. The higher-ups are still hesitating. They should also hold briefing meetings with various cities.”
At this point, Zuo Yuxi paused and stretched out his hand to invite Wen Huaiming to sit on the chair opposite the fire. Said: “Secretary-General, if I don’t meet you today, I will go to the Municipal Party Committee to report to you. When the province comes to ask for opinions, be sure to ask the Secretary-General to give his opinion in front of Secretary Xu. ‘Public-citizen transfer’ may temporarily give the local finance It adds pressure, but in the long run, it is definitely a good thing that benefits the country and the people. Not only can Qingzhou not be lagging behind, it must also be a

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