
s versions appeared, most of which were not suitable for children.

s versions appeared, most of which were not suitable for children.
This is not their fault. Liu Tianlai issued strict orders about Chen Taiping. Only those involved in the arrest and interrogation knew about it. No one was allowed to spread the word, otherwise they would be stripped and skinned immediately. Until now, the gang is still concentrated in a hotel to guard Chen Taiping. All communication tools have been confiscated and the security is extremely tight.
Although Wen Huaiming is indeed innocent about this kind of thing, it is difficult to say or not. Once word spreads, with the creativity of the vast number of people, I don’t know how far it will go out of shape, so everything is suppressed to a minimum range. Liu Tianlai seems to have a big heart, but in fact he is extremely delicate. , did these things properly without waiting for Wen Liang’s instructions.
“Director Liu, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I still have some small things to settle at home.”
Liu Tianlai looked at the woman in front of him who once needed to look up to him, and suddenly felt that there was something about her that was different from what he had seen before. , but couldn’t tell the specifics, and said: “Miss Qi is too polite. To be honest, I have been waiting, but I really didn’t expect it would be you.”
Qi Shu seemed to be unable to hear the provocative meaning in Liu Tianlai’s words, and said : “I did it, of course I have to come. Where is the fourth brother, can I see him?” ”
/I still need to ask for permission on this. You know, I can’t actually make the decision on this matter.”
Qi Shu said calmly He didn’t look like a prisoner who surrendered, but like a friend who came to chat. “Director Liu is joking. You are the director. Whether you see him or not is not a matter of your words. Is there anyone else using chicken feathers as arrows?” Are you trying to embarrass you?”
Liu Tianlai laughed loudly and said, “Miss Qi, if I can’t provoke you, you don’t have to bother trying to provoke me. I know very well how capable I am and how much I can do, so If I can make the decision, others will be seeking death if they dare to fight. But if I can’t make the decision, if I fight, I will be asking for death. I have self-awareness, but you don’t, so I’m still sitting here, but you want to come to me. Report, do you understand?”
Qi Shu smiled slightly and said: “I have always heard people say that Director Liu of Qingzhou is a careless idiot. Those who say these things should really listen to Director Liu’s words to know who the real idiot is. ”
Liu Tianlai’s eyes turned into slits with laughter, and he said: “I am so lucky to be praised by Miss Qi.” ”
Since Director Liu is so happy, Qi Shu will shamelessly ask you another question. , if I want to meet my fourth brother, who can make the decision?”
Liu Tianlai hesitated for a moment and said, “Let me call and ask.”
When Wen Liang received Liu Tianlai’s call, he was with Wen Huaiming, and the two sat On the second floor of the municipal party commit

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