
he future. There’s no need to inform you about your name.”

he future. There’s no need to inform you about your name.”
Xiang Ziqian stared at Wen Liang and suddenly laughed, with a trace of ridicule coming out of the corner of his mouth and said: ” I thought Zixuan had met such an amazing friend, but it turned out to be a guy whose name he didn’t even dare to say. He was really boring.”
Wen Liang didn’t pay much attention to it. It was obvious that this man had a crush on Zhu Zixuan. Maybe he considers himself a love rival. He was not in the mood to perform a jealous show with others in a place like Mingzhu. After hearing the provocative words of the other party, he did not even move his eyebrows and said calmly: “Mr. Xiang is right, I am just an ordinary person. , it’s not well-known, so it’s okay not to mention it!”
Xiang Ziqian saw that he had surrendered, but he still refused to give up, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him. Unexpectedly, Zhu Zixuan’s beautiful eyes widened, and she slapped the table with her palm, making a loud bang. He shouted angrily: “Xiang Ziqian, shut the fuck up!”
Since Xiang Ziqian met Zhu Zixuan, although he has always been very cold, he has never seen her lose his temper. He has a calm and shrewd temperament. She is capable, speaks and behaves like the pearl, and is even better than the ladies of the world. In other words, she is even better. Considering her family background, it is reasonable to have such an upbringing. At this moment, she suddenly heard her swearing, and she was stunned for a moment. He dropped it and didn’t know how to react. After a while, he hesitated and said: “Zixuan, I, I just care about you.”
Zhu Zixuan changed his appearance in an instant. He put his hands flat on the table and his posture was as straight as a poplar. , his cold face was covered with a layer of frost, and he said: “Did I ask you to sit down?”
Xiang Ziqian blinked, as if he was confused whether the national curse he just heard was an illusion or really existed. An embarrassed look appeared on his face, and he said: “We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I came over to say hello.” ”
/Now that I have said hello, Mr. Xiang, please help yourself.”
This sentence to Mr. Xiang was quite joking. Compared with Calling her by her first name was even more embarrassing, especially when Zhu Zixuan said it in such a tone. Wen Liang seemed to have seen the glorious image of the lawless, high-minded, unruly and willful young lady again. She was really angry to death.
Xiang Ziqian was one of the most romantic young men in Mingzhu City. How could he have suffered such an insult? However, he still remembered that Zhu Ziqian’s identity was no better than those girls who could be ravaged and bullied by him. He suppressed the anger in his heart and stood up. , said: “I was the one who offended Zixuan, so I’ll leave first, and I’ll make amends to you another day.”
After saying that, without even looking at Wen Liang, he turned around and left Intercontinental, but Wen Liang understood that Liang Zi was afraid that he was go

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