
Dragon. It’s a pity that the Dragon’s armor is extraordinary. Even the Na’vi bows and arrows cannot penetrate it, and the number of berries that can corrode steel plates is limited, so the “hunters” can’t do anything about the Dragon. Instead, more than a dozen “hunters” were killed by the colonel’s firepower, which was a heavy loss. Because of this, the Na’vi people couldn’t let the Flying Dragon escape.

Dragon. It’s a pity that the Dragon’s armor is extraordinary. Even the Na’vi bows and arrows cannot penetrate it, and the number of berries that can corrode steel plates is limited, so the “hunters” can’t do anything about the Dragon. Instead, more than a dozen “hunters” were killed by the colonel’s firepower, which was a heavy loss. Because of this, the Na’vi people couldn’t let the Flying Dragon escape.
At this time, the protagonist Jack, who was originally tied up, was also untied by Mu Ya. Full of anger, Jack immediately picked up the bow and arrows on the ground, gritted his teeth and drew the long bow to full capacity. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the good old days when Nettlee taught him archery. It’s a pity that because human greed caused this tragedy, he may never have the chance to enjoy that kind of time again. “It’s all your fault!” Jack shouted in his heart. Then, he loosened the string and shot out the long arrow filled with his anger.
/At this moment, two missiles made a “chi” sound, dragging their long white tails and flew out from the belly of the Feilong, with their warheads pointed directly at the roots of the “Home Tree”. Even though there were only two missiles, if they really hit, the energy from the explosion would be enough to cause devastating damage to the “Home Tree”. However, by coincidence, as soon as the two missiles flew out, an arrow suddenly shot out and inserted into the warhead of one of the missiles. Needless to say, this arrow is the arrow of anger shot by the protagonist Jack. Then there were two loud “rumbling” sounds, and two missiles exploded in the air instantly. The huge energy shock wave pushed the Feilong straight back. However, the surviving hunters were also affected and flew away.
This explosion also officially announced that the colonel’s execution of “Operation Home Tree” ended in failure!
Amid the angry shouts of the Na’vi people, the Flying Dragon flew away from the “Home Tree” in embarrassment. Although Su Tai wanted to pursue him, considering the gap between them, he had no choice but to give up. After shooting an arrow, Jack’s eyes widened and he fell to the ground softly. Obviously, his link was forcibly interrupted, and his soul had returned to his body. Like him there is Grace.
At the same time, Yin Kuang, who was washed downstream by the current, had just emerged from the water when he received a reminder from the principal: the special mission “Defend the Home Tree” was completed. Just a simple reminder, and then nothing. Not even a single hint about rewards was given. Dragging his injured body, Yin Kuang climbed onto the bed unsteadily, and immediately fell against the big rocks on the river bank to rest. But before he could take a few deep breaths, Yin Kuang suddenly turned his head to the left.
/At some point, Bei Dao suddenly appeared. He was fully drawing his long bow, and the sharp glass rock arrow was pointed directly at Yin Kuang, and he was about to shoot it. However, Yin Kuang’s sudden head shake caused Bei Dao to pause.

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