
nd face cold? It’s very cold while riding a bicycle, and it’s even colder when she goes back at night. She’s prepared, so she wears thick clothes and gloves. Her face and ears are cold, so it’s impossible for her not to wear a hat. Scarf. I think we should check whether she wore a scarf to the banquet on the night of the incident. If she did, where did the scarf go?”

nd face cold? It’s very cold while riding a bicycle, and it’s even colder when she goes back at night. She’s prepared, so she wears thick clothes and gloves. Her face and ears are cold, so it’s impossible for her not to wear a hat. Scarf. I think we should check whether she wore a scarf to the banquet on the night of the incident. If she did, where did the scarf go?”
Nangang was very cold that day, the air was humid, and it was bitingly cold.
However, Nangang does not have heating like in the north, and most people do not have the habit of lighting stoves for heating. Lesbians do not wear thick hats like northern lesbians when they go out. Most of them wear scarves, covering most of their faces, and some even cover their heads.
There was a scarf on the ledger. It was indeed cold on the night of the crime. From these two perspectives, Xun Li most likely wore a scarf when she went to the banquet. The murderer may have used the scarf as a rag and then found a deserted place to throw it away. The scene The investigation found nothing, but what does this have to do with the investigation of the case?
Zhou Suying was stunned, and Tian Guogang on the other end of the phone didn’t know what to say.
Solving a case often only requires a glimmer of inspiration. My wife is so great. Han Bo felt that his speculation was very likely to be true. He said excitedly: “Xunli’s identity and the wedding that night attracted so much attention that we couldn’t see it.” I can’t think of other possibilities. Lao Tian, ??first check whether she was wearing a scarf on the night of the incident. If so, immediately find an old comrade at the Sailors Club to find out the list of staff from that year. The focus is on female staff. No one can be left out!”
Tian Guogang reacted. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. The more I thought about it, the more likely it was. I couldn’t help but ask: “Detachment Han, are you saying?” ”
It’s just a guess. Does it need to be verified?”
“Yes, I’ll check it immediately!”
After hanging up the phone , Zhou Suying couldn’t wait to ask: “Han Detachment, what’s your guess?”
Han Bo did not answer this question directly. He covered his forehead, nose and mouth with his hands, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. Recalling the circumstances of the night of the crime, Zhou Suying came to a realization: “The target of the murderer was not Xun Li. The murderer recognized the wrong person and killed the wrong person!”
“The street lamp was so far away, and some places were not dim, but couldn’t see clearly at all. ”
The murderer didn’t dare wait at the door of the club. He could only monitor from a distance. He saw a man who was almost the same as the target riding a bicycle. He was already very nervous and didn’t bother to identify it carefully, so he rushed up and stabbed him. After realizing that they had made a mistake, they hurriedly dealt with the aftermath and ran away without committing any more crimes.”
/“But Xunli didn’t resist.”
“It’s not that she didn’t resist, it was be

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