
At that time, it is better to pick up weapons and join the battle. The young people of Rock Star have never been afraid of fighting. The environment in which they were born determines that the elite among them will fight against the Zerg. Only by participating in battle can their status be improved.

David saw Myron’s yearning for reserve combatants and understood that this was a good thing, and he felt more relieved.
“David, are you going to the shooting gallery now, or should I take you somewhere else?” Myron asked after seeing that Jim and David had finished talking.
“Where can you take David to play?” Jim said to Myron disdainfully, then turned to David and said: “I will take you outside the city today to see the real outside the city!”
David’s eyes lit up. Although he had seen the scenery outside Perrin City on the city wall, he had seen it from a distance, but had never actually arrived.
/“I’ll go too, take this guy with me, and maybe I can kill a few larvae with my own hands!” Myron also shouted excitedly, raising the replica of the ‘Eye of Death’ in his hand.
“Jim, I won’t cause you any trouble, will I?” David also wanted to go and asked tactfully.
“It’s no trouble. We are operating within the city defense range. There is basically no danger. We are not just three people, but we also need to bring a few more people with us!” Jim said with a smile.
David put the scabbard on his back before leaving, while Myron loaded the ‘Eye of Death’ replica and ammunition boxes into the car.
Jim’s car was a military hover vehicle, and David and Myron followed in a Gladstone Six.
They chose the south gate this time. When they arrived at the south gate, David had already seen hundreds of people standing at the south gate. These people were armed with various weapons, including knives, spears and thermal weapons. Although they were not wearing bone armor. They were soldiers, but they also had some combat power. Next to them, armored hover vehicles were lined up in a crooked row.
David also saw the south gate, which was a square gate ten meters high and ten meters wide. The gate was not open at this time. The specially reinforced and spiked gate gave people a fierce look. gas.
The two cars did not approach the gate, but parked in the military parking lot not far away.
David wanted to help Myron with a copy of the ‘Eye of Death’, but he refused. David could tell that he seemed to have the intention of monopolizing the right to use the ‘Eye of Death’ copy.
However, David didn’t fight him. With Myron’s lack of formal training, he wouldn’t be able to continue after shooting a few times.
Jim led the two of them past the armored hover vehicle. Although the people waiting were dissatisfied with the behavior of the three of them not lining up, most of them knew Jim, so they complained very softly.
“These people are crows!” Jim introduced David softly.
“Why is it called a crow?” David asked puzzledly.
“They are not real hunters. They only dare to operate on the edge of the city, relying on city defenses to hunt larvae. T

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