
ave already applied for a driver’s license, but it will take a few days to get it. I can’t call “Crazy Cheng” just because of this trivial matter. I have to be cautious all the way, and immediately detour when I see the traffic police.

ave already applied for a driver’s license, but it will take a few days to get it. I can’t call “Crazy Cheng” just because of this trivial matter. I have to be cautious all the way, and immediately detour when I see the traffic police.
“Xiao Hao, I’m here. I’m at the food stall where I drank with Wang San last time.” ”
Brother Li, I’m going to change shifts soon. Did you
/call Brother Zhao?” “Yes, he just came out and Cao Gui came too. Just wait. You.” Li Gu asked the food stall owner to bring a bucket of draft beer, pointing to the boiled peanuts, boiled edamame and fried snails, and asked each to have a portion.
After sitting down and eating a few peanuts, our friends arrived.
One is called one, and some are called several. There are more than a dozen in total. Some of them are wearing security uniforms, and the others are either bald or wearing sneakers. A few guys have tattoos on their bodies. You can tell at a glance that they are not good people. . The boss hurriedly moved the tables and helped them form a big table.
“Xiaoyu went in, and the fourth child went to the East China Sea. Brother Li, we used to have fewer and fewer brothers. It was so interesting before, and we were so happy to play together.” A bald man finished his glass of wine and sighed as he recalled those years. .
You can’t drink while driving, let alone if there’s something big going on at night.
Li Gu refilled his own cup of tea, patted the table and sighed: “Xiaoyu didn’t listen to the advice and told him not to touch that thing. He didn’t believe it. It’s better now. He won’t be able to get out in three to five years. Even I will be unlucky. Because I lived with him, I spent more than ten days in the detention center.”
“He deserves it, but compared with him, Jin Er deserves it even more. Xiaoyu is making money for himself anyway. Jin Er is mentally ill. He follows someone to do things as soon as he is fooled. If he hurts someone, he not only has to pay compensation but I’m going to jail.”
“Stop talking about this, please do me a favor. Have you seen this guy? I want to settle a score with him.” Li Gu put down the teacup and took out Xia Zhantian’s discounted copy from his pocket. a copy of ID card.
“What account?” A straight-faced man asked as he took the copy.
Three thousand is not a small number, at least not to the people here. If you come back, you can at least have a meal.
Ban Cuntou took it and looked at it and asked in surprise: “Nanyun people?”
“So this matter is more troublesome. If it were a local, I would have gone to his house long ago.”
People from Nanyun Province generally do not come to Nangang for work. Local people bought Nanyun’s wife, and it happened many years ago. So it doesn’t matter if you haven’t been exposed to it. Once you have been exposed to it, you will be more impressed.
“Brother Li, you came to the right place today. I have actually seen this guy.”
“Yes, where did you see him?” Li Gu was ecstatic and stood up suddenly to ask.
“In the wooden floor factory opposite our factory,

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