
the co-pilot, that he had no gas left and wanted to go to the gas station in front to refill his gas tank. Wang Bo looked at his watch and saw that there were only ten minutes left before lights out at eleven o’clock. He thought, well, it’s really a leak in the house and it rained all night.

the co-pilot, that he had no gas left and wanted to go to the gas station in front to refill his gas tank. Wang Bo looked at his watch and saw that there were only ten minutes left before lights out at eleven o’clock. He thought, well, it’s really a leak in the house and it rained all night.
However, he has many houses in Shuangqing. Even if the door of the two women’s dormitory is closed, it is not a troublesome matter that is difficult to solve. Then they can just go back to the city center to live.
Wang Bo waved his hand and asked the driver to hurry up.
Perhaps God was destined to give Wang Bo some trouble tonight. When the yellow Changan Suzuki, which was full of gas and carried three people, hurriedly arrived in front of the girls’ dormitory building where Liang Ya was located, it was still a few minutes late.
The three of them got out of the car, and Liang Ya walked to the door of the dormitory building with the last glimmer of hope. The door of the dormitory building was closed “as she wished”. Liang Ya knocked on the door unwillingly and shouted twice inside. The sound sounded misty and helpless at night after 11 o’clock, giving people the illusion of a lonely ghost.
No response.
There was no light on in the dormitory’s room not far away, nor could I hear the sound of slippers mopping the floor. Everything around was silent. It’s only past eleven o’clock now, so the dormitory manager can’t possibly be asleep. He must be acting like this because he wants to “act according to the rules” strictly and teach the students outside who have no sense of time a profound lesson.
/Liang Ya wanted to knock on the door again as a last-ditch effort, but Wang Bo grabbed her hand.
When she arrived at the “home” but couldn’t enter, Liang Ya felt unwilling but had no choice but to do so. The girl said with an unconvinced look: “It was never like this before. It says it closes at eleven, but it usually takes until a quarter past eleven. Sometimes there are still people coming back after half past eleven.”
“This is the result of lax law enforcement, openness to one side and no supervision! As long as one person is ‘differently treated’ and gets a lucky break, others will not be convinced, and the regulations will become useless paper, and those with power will Then he took control of the initiative and gained room for rent-seeking profit.” Wang Bo sighed and flattened his mouth. This kind of non-compliance with the law in China, as well as the flexible enforcement of laws based on people’s preferences, has become so commonplace that he doesn’t find it strange. Seeing that Liang Ya was always a little annoyed, he enlightened her and said, “Don’t be angry, Xiaoya. You dormitory manager may be upset because your aunt is here, or she may be holding back your voice. She is powerless and has no time to help you.” Open the door.”
“Xiao Bo, you’re so disgusting!” Liang Ya scolded with a smile and fanned her nostrils with her hands, as if she smelled something bad, and the unhappiness on her face suddenly disappeared.

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