
saying that you are an old fool, or do you want people to laugh at me? Is it honorable to dye my hair and get cancer? Old horse, old horse, I, Lu Huisheng I, have ruined my reputation in your hands and made a big fuss. What do you want me to do? Going out to meet people? You don’t have the shame to meet people when you are alive, and you don’t have the shame to hold a memorial service when you are dead!”

saying that you are an old fool, or do you want people to laugh at me? Is it honorable to dye my hair and get cancer? Old horse, old horse, I, Lu Huisheng I, have ruined my reputation in your hands and made a big fuss. What do you want me to do? Going out to meet people? You don’t have the shame to meet people when you are alive, and you don’t have the shame to hold a memorial service when you are dead!”
I have tolerated you for more than ten years, and you are still messing around like this.
Lao Ma was furious, and it was rare for him to be brave. He pointed at him and cursed angrily: “Lu Huisheng, don’t bite Lu Dongbin because you don’t know a good heart. I’m
doing this for your own good!” “You did this for my own good. How can I tell you? ?”
“Hide it for you, right? If you are childless and single, it doesn’t matter. I’ll hide it for you. No one will ask if you die on the street. The key is that you have children, daughters and grandchildren. If something happens to you, you How do you want me to explain to your son and daughter?”
The two old men were arguing. Han Bo was angry and funny, and reminded: “Secretary Lu, please calm down and lower your voice. If you keep doing this, Quan Liangzhuang will know about it later.”
Yan Guo Leave a voice, leave a name when passing by.
Cancer is not terrible, sooner or later you have to see Marx, and your reputation cannot be ruined for decades.
Lao Lu came to his senses and said angrily: “I’m so angry at him. That’s it. That’s it.
No one is allowed to mention it anymore.” “No one is allowed to mention it, no one is mentioning it.”
Li Xiaolei patted him lightly. Behind his back, he pretended to be relaxed and said: “Secretary Lu, I won’t leave when I get back. You find a driver to go to Nangang with Han Bo. Go home and help me pack some clothes, and ask the driver to drive back. He originally planned to Secretary Chen, who is here with you with me, asked him to go to the province for training.” ”
I will go to the unit tomorrow to arrange work, and report to Jiangcheng early the day after tomorrow. I will ask for leave after attending the opening ceremony, and I will come back when I get the leave.”
Cadre Promotion requires training, but there is a difference between training and training.
Mentioning a deputy office, especially a deputy office in the public security system, is not a big deal in the city.
/You can arrange training at the Municipal Party School, you can organize training at the Municipal Law Committee, you can go to training classes organized by the provincial department, and the simplest training is at the municipal bureau. This shows that it is rare to participate in the province’s political and legal system training.
/Lao Lu didn’t want to delay Han Bo’s future because of himself, so he slapped the table several times: “Are you kidding me about asking for leave! Xiao Han, you are the proposed deputy director-level cadre, not an ordinary citizen. I’m not dead yet, I If you die and hold a memorial service, you can ask for leave.”

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