
and the radio station equipment was moved over to broadcast live. What was said in the venue could be heard by the whole town.

and the radio station equipment was moved over to broadcast live. What was said in the venue could be heard by the whole town.
The rostrum is arranged like the Great Hall of the People, with the party flag and national flag behind it, the party emblem in the middle, and a large banner and slogan above the head. On the rostrum covered with red cloth, there is a triangle with the name and position written on it. You can tell by looking at the font that it is from The hand of cultural webmaster Wu Daqing.
/What surprised some village cadres sitting in the front row attending the meeting was that the sign on the far left side of the podium clearly read “Assistant to the Township Chief Han Bo!”
Although he is not a member of the township party committee, he is the leader of the township if he can sit on the stage. This official promotion must be too fast.
The public arrest meeting was chaired by Deputy Township Head Zhang, who was responsible for comprehensive management. He first introduced the situation of this year’s “hard crackdown”, how many arrests were made in the county and how many were sentenced. Then Deputy Secretary Cui was invited to speak. Lao Cui called on the people in the township to abide by National laws and regulations
In Liangzhuang, Lao Lu is always the one who plays the grand finale.
Finally, he took the microphone and announced sternly that Comrade Han Bo, assistant to the township chief and special commissioner of the township public security, in accordance with the instructions of the township party committee and township government, led the police officers in the police office and traveled back and forth for more than 2,000 kilometers to capture the scum and black sheep who had been absconding for six years. The upstart is captured.
The lecture specifically talked about the attitude of the township party committee and government towards illegal and criminal activities. It was summed up in three words: “zero tolerance”!
“Bring Gu Xingui up!”
/With his order, the public arrest meeting reached its climax.
Xiao Dan, Chen Meng, An Xiaoyong and Xiao Ren were fully armed and put Gu Xingui on the stage from the left.
According to the meeting agenda, Han Bo stood up, opened the folder, read out the arrest warrant sonorously and forcefully with a serious expression.
Cheng Wenming led several criminal police officers on stage from the right, took over the suspect, and then escorted Gu Xingui out of the cinema through a deliberately left passage, put him into a truck with slogans also posted on both sides, and started parading through the streets.
The police car in front clears the way, and the police car behind moves behind.
With police lights flashing and sirens blaring, they circled the market twice before being escorted into a police car and headed straight to the detention center.
When Gu Xingui’s matter came to an end, Director Ji called again to praise, and it was just praise.
The arrest of fugitives within the jurisdiction is as natural as ordinary people growing crops.

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