
r, but the action had just begun and it was relatively concentrated.

r, but the action had just begun and it was relatively concentrated.
Standing on the wall of the backyard of the building materials wholesale market and looking down, the mountains and plains were full of people. Han Bo couldn’t help but think of the time when he served as the police station chief in Liangzhuang and organized the search for clues in the floating case.
“Political Commissar, thank you for your hard work. Let’s go down and have a look.”
Han Bo looked behind him and found an unused shovel. He picked it up and felt it at the bottom of the slope, searching in the southeast direction like the police.
The director is also looking for someone, so no one can complain.
/An hour passed and nothing was found.
Two hours passed and still nothing was found.
The search ended at 11:32, when a policeman found a bone, and everyone was excited. However, forensic doctor Xu ran over and took a look, saying that it was not a human skeleton, and the operation had to continue.
Lunch will be eaten outdoors, and the bureau canteen will prepare it and deliver it to you.
After a hard day’s search, some comrades’ police uniforms were torn by branches, some comrades accidentally twisted their feet, and many comrades had blood blisters on their feet, but the remains of the victim could not be found.
There is no way to search at night, and such an operation cannot be continued indefinitely, otherwise other work will be affected.
Han Bo had no choice but to retreat with his troops.
Back at the station, Jiang Zhengwu rubbed his legs and murmured: “What the hell, how could a body disappear out of thin air? Is that person not dead?” ”
If he was not dead, there was no way he would not call the police. Even if he did not call the police, he would not call the police.” It’s impossible not to go to the hospital.”
“Has the hospital checked?” Han Bo asked with a frown.
/Liu Guijun replied: “I’ve checked. If you don’t check beforehand for such a big operation, don’t worry, otherwise it will be a big joke.”
Criminal police captain Chen Baichuan took out a cigarette and said slowly: “Xiao Gu not only went to the hospital to find out, We also considered the possibility that the victim was suspected of illegal crimes and did not dare to call the police or show his face. Coming from Dongguang, he could engage in any illegal and criminal activities, and the only possibility was drug-related. Knowing this situation, Wei Da arranged for the police to interrogate the drug-related persons in custody. As a result, no one has seen the victim, and no one has even heard of this person.”
“Has the notice soliciting clues been posted?”
“Yes, not only has the notice been posted, but police from the urban and east police stations have also been organized to visit and inquire about the county. Small and large merchants in the country tried to see if they had customers who had business dealings with them, but no results were found. No one had seen any such customers. ”
The murder must be solved!
From the moment Han Bo decided t

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