
g here.”

g here.”
Fan Zhen asked me: “So this is the purpose of your coming here, right?”
/Fan Zhen’s question made me a little confused, and his tone was undoubtedly It’s as if I didn’t come here for this purpose, but for another purpose. I asked, “Is there any other purpose?”
At this time, Fan Zhen said, “So when you entered the village, did you find anything?”
I recalled the scene when I entered the village. After Fan Zhen prompted me to think in reverse, I seemed to notice something, not from Wang Zhexuan, but from the reactions of these villagers, because I saw their doubtful and confused expressions. They have no idea what the purpose of this car is here, so it is accompanied by novelty, not familiarity. Yes, it is that strange feeling. They did not show any sense of familiarity, since this car has been here before Come here, then why don’t they remember the appearance of this car and reflect a familiar look? Low skill in the group.
What a small move, I didn’t expect it to turn into a huge question. When I thought of this, I suddenly looked at Fan Zhen as if I was shocked and asked, “So that means the car didn’t arrive at all.” Passed here, Guo Zehui deliberately led me here.”
The second thing is that after he escaped from the room, it was almost a short moment. I didn’t realize what happened at all. When I came out, I found that he was already lying down. On the edge of the coffee table, when I reacted, the person was already dead. Now I combined Fan Zhen’s words, no matter who killed Su Jingnan, this person has obviously seen today’s situation, and he got rid of it for me. Su Jingnan, because in today’s situation, Su Jingnan cannot replace me.
Fan Zhen said: “It was not Guo Zehui who brought you here, because he knew that you would not come here in the end, and would even give up halfway, so although he gave you the map, he also expected that you would not come here. Come, this is where they missed the calculation, so now you know who asked you to come here?”
I immediately thought of Zhang Ziang who appeared in the woods. When I was reminded like this, I immediately reacted completely, and then fiercely He looked up at Fan Zhen and said, “It’s you, you want me to come here to see you!”
Fan Zhen said: “So the real purpose of your coming here is to see me, not to trace the whereabouts of any vehicle. As far as you know, the car has been damaged outside the gas station. How could you come to such a mountain again?” , so Guo Zehui and the forces behind him never wanted you to come here from the beginning, but they also need to avoid suspicion. This suspicion is naturally your guess, because if they lead you directly to the gas station, refuel. You must have connected them with the station matter, but if this is a fact you spontaneously come here to investigate and discover, then it is your own fault. You cannot doubt anyone but yourself.” I listened
. When Fan Zhen said this, he did not say a word, but chose to remain silent, because I haven’t figured it out yet. The key lies in Zhang Ziang’s words. I sai

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