
looking at him with cannibalistic eyes. They wished that an old cow could eat the young grass. They just regretted that they didn’t have the chance. They didn’t mind the age gap at all.

looking at him with cannibalistic eyes. They wished that an old cow could eat the young grass. They just regretted that they didn’t have the chance. They didn’t mind the age gap at all.
After Guo Muzhou calculated the profits and concluded that he would probably earn about 1700000000 US dollars, he felt short of breath!
This money seemed to be so profitable. He smiled happily and scolded: “When you see a rebound trend, quickly deliver the money, and then buy stocks of construction, pharmaceutical and other industry companies. Kobe City needs construction after the disaster , the market value of the stocks of these types of companies will definitely rise, and I still have some money left in my hand, so I can ask someone to buy it for me when I go ashore.” ”
I thought so too, and I looked for a few post-disaster reconstruction concept stocks, and we bought them together. Japan The market value of secondary listed companies has generally fallen. The stock price of Sumitomo Trust Bank has fallen by 14% in two days. It should rebound later. You can buy some short-term holdings and make some quick money. We know that the stocks of those companies will appreciate, and others also know that they should be able to Earning about 100 million US dollars, the profit is not big.”
Han Xuan’s face fell down, as if he had eaten a fly, and said: “I didn’t step on dog poop, but I stepped on Xiaobai’s poop, so I just threw those shoes away. That guy really eats and poops, and likes to defecate everywhere, which makes my house smell.”
Xiaobai is the name of the albino liger. It has regained some energy in the past few days, but it is still soft and weak. Weak look.
Being kept in a cage for a long time, lack of exercise, and natural physical defects, other ligers are not as powerful as strong lions and tigers, but with their powerful bodies that are several times larger, their lethality when angry is also amazing.
It’s gotten a little livelier, which is good news.
They were having a good chat when a long roar frightened both the grandfather and grandson to tremble.
Hamil walked quickly and took Han Xuan’s hand, and said excitedly: “I promise you! I will run for the president of the Maldives!”
Han Xuan looked at him and waved: “Now that you have decided, don’t regret it. It’s better to think about it again.”
“No! I can’t endure poverty anymore. I’ve had enough of that damn life. I don’t regret it!” ”
That’s it.
Now that you’ve decided, I’ll practice my speech recently. They will give you a video of the American election campaign. You can learn how they give speeches
/. No, it is to confuse people so that they can believe you and support you.
The campaign team will be here in the next few days, and they will teach you what you need to pay attention to. Everything in the Maldives You need to understand the politicians, and you also need to understand the rules of the political arena.
/Now, go change into a suit. This suit is too low and it doesn’t suit you. , Mr. Hamil.
Prince Said should have left a suit on

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