
etting off the bus, I didn’t rush to get into the taxi. Instead, I walked to the side of the road and started talking on my cell phone.

etting off the bus, I didn’t rush to get into the taxi. Instead, I walked to the side of the road and started talking on my cell phone.
“Sha Bureau, I’m Han Bo. I’m sorry, there was a murder case here that killed three people. I was busy studying the case with the task force and didn’t bother to call you back.” “Isn’t it convenient for
me to speak now?”
On the other end of the phone He is Director Sha of the Ministry of National Cooperation and Cooperation. He has worked under him for more than four years. It can be said that he is the veteran leader who has led him for the longest time. He would not contact him unless there was something particularly important. Han Bo looked back at his surroundings and whispered: “It’s convenient.” ”
Han Bo, did you have a collision with the Southwest while handling the case before the Spring Festival?” ”
Yes. This matter has not been settled yet. If I hadn’t been afraid of causing trouble to my superiors, I would have taken someone there long ago. Some situations must be clarified, and some accounts must be settled clearly, and it is not a small account. It was frozen by them inexplicably or even illegally deducted. The sum of the several funds amounted to hundreds of millions, and I can’t explain it to others until I get it back!”
This time and again, it may not seem like much now, but it was not a trivial matter a year ago.
To do such a big thing quietly, and to open up a show of tit-for-tat, Shaju couldn’t imagine it when he first learned about it. Now that he heard him admit it in person, he was completely convinced, and couldn’t help but sigh: “You really have foresight. .”
/“Sha Bureau, stop joking, this is not funny at all. By the way, how did you know?” ”
/It seems that you have foresight but not good information. I have left the International Cooperation Bureau, and I have a new appointment. I haven’t come down yet, but I haven’t been idle either. I have been working under the leadership of Vice Minister Yin these days, otherwise I wouldn’t have known about your collision with the car over there.” There is
no doubt that the superiors are working on solving the problem of the newly dismissed man. A series of questions remain. The old leader was obviously involved, but his current work was strictly confidential and he could only reveal so much.
Han Bo subconsciously asked: “So Vice Minister Yin also knows?”
“Not only do you know, but you also asked me to ask you if you are willing to work in the southwest. Han Bo, this is a real assignment at the critical moment, which is both a challenge and an opportunity.”
That is a municipality directly under the Central Government . In the Public Security Bureau, a deputy bureau-level cadre may not be qualified to serve as the captain of criminal investigation in the past. How much role can he play in the past?
More importantly, what is needed now is not police officers who can handle cases, but leading cadres who can deal with complex situations, solve problems, rectify chaos, and boost morale. And when th

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