
and he didn’t know which carriage the police were in. Han Bo said calmly, “Chen Meng, go to the toilet and confirm that the target raised his right hand to send a message.” Signal. Surround them from the front and back, and take action together. Don’t move, old Mi, and watch your luggage.”

and he didn’t know which carriage the police were in. Han Bo said calmly, “Chen Meng, go to the toilet and confirm that the target raised his right hand to send a message.” Signal. Surround them from the front and back, and take action together. Don’t move, old Mi, and watch your luggage.”
It’s not difficult to deal with these two little thieves.
Chen Meng stood up with a smile and walked back while shouting in Sigang Mandarin: “I borrowed it, let me go to the toilet. I’m sorry, please let me go. Thank you.” Going to the
/toilet was just a pretense. Chen Meng made a loud noise and pretended to be He looked very tired.
/First, the tall thief with obvious physical features was identified. Through him, he found the short and thin one. He yawned and passed the two thieves. He squeezed past two pedestrians standing in the aisle and stretched out his right hand.
“Do it.”
Han Bo hummed, and Xiao Ren stood up and went with him to steal the two thieves.
The thief thinks he has not been discovered and often does it on this bus. Even if he is discovered, no one dares to interfere. They were very bold, holding on to the backs of their chairs and swaying like the passengers without seats, as if nothing had happened, and looked very calm.
Tall people are more dangerous, two people deal with one.
Xiao Ren took a box of cigarettes and pretended to go to the smoking room between the two carriages to indulge his craving. He squeezed in next to the thief and suddenly threw it away. With lightning speed, he grabbed his hair with his left hand and quickly and quickly with his right hand. He accurately grasped his right wrist and twisted it behind his back.
“Police, don’t move!”
Han Bo took action at the same time, tightly grasped his left arm, and together with Xiao Ren, pressed him into the gap between several passengers.
The short man regained consciousness and wanted to run, but his right wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone. Chen Meng grabbed his wrist, strangled his neck, and pushed him down hard, forcing him to fall between the passengers’ feet.
Clean and neat, less than ten seconds before and after.
The passengers didn’t know why, and when they saw the fight here, they immediately became a mess, screaming and running away.
“What are you doing? I’m a good person.” The tall man was lying on the aisle. Xiao Ren weighed more than 150 pounds on him, making it difficult for him to breathe. His face was pressed to the floor and his mouth was deformed.
After confirming that the short thief was controlled by Chen Meng, he took out the handcuffs from his waist and cuffed the tall thief first. Then he took out another pair of handcuffs from Xiao Ren’s waist and went over to handcuff the short thief behind his back.
No one knew if there were any accomplices in the carriage. Han Bo straightened up, put his feet on the left seat, held the luggage rack with one hand, and opened the corner of his clothes with the other hand to reveal his gun.
“Don’t panic, everyone, we are the police! Comrades from the People’s

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