
asked Deputy Director Zhao Donghai about logistics and finance.

asked Deputy Director Zhao Donghai about logistics and finance.
Deputy Procurator Zhou Shengnan, a senior prosecutor, plays the role of Director Shi in the Procuratorate in the Public Security Bureau.
Basically all business matters are left to her, which means that she will be responsible for checking, reviewing and prosecuting all tax cases, including the 02.28 case.
She was of high rank and was supervising the public security. Han Bo couldn’t turn a blind eye and walked in and saluted and said hello: “Hello Zhou Quan, Zhou Quan, how come you have time to come to our branch?” The
person in front of him used DNA technology to investigate difficult cases last year. , very exposed.
However, the technical appraisal was done by the 703 Biological Evidence Laboratory. He was just brave enough to think of and dare to ask others for help. The Public Security Bureau actually acted as if it had cracked a major and influential case by relying on its real skills. It invited the leaders of the county party committee and government, and all the leaders of the county’s political and legal system to hold an “on-site meeting.” It’s really a bit of grandstanding when you think about it.
One thing must be admitted, he knows a little bit about the law, but that’s about it.
/In short, Zhou Shengnan always felt that he was a “rising star” in the Public Security Bureau and even the county’s political and legal system. He always felt that it was the county leaders and the Public Security Bureau leaders who gave Vice Mayor Hou face, praised him, and established him as a typical.
Han’s crackdown not only killed hundreds of illegal criminals this time, but also a member of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and several county Party Committee Standing Committee members were thrown into prison, and there were more at the full-level and deputy-level.
It’s not that the name doesn’t live up to its name, but its performance is impressive.
Hou Xiufeng was able to transfer him.
He is a cadre that Hou Xiufeng respects, and he has made a name for himself in the political, legal and taxation systems with his true skills. He probably won’t be able to stay in the small county town of Sigang for a few days. What’s more, he is now a member of the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau. Zhou Shengnan will naturally not be in his position. Put on the airs of leadership in front of you.
“Bureau Han, I’m here to investigate.”
She pointed to a pile of case materials on the conference table and asked half-jokingly: “Our procuratorate is not idle to begin with, and you have caused so many troubles for us. Light 02.28 We are overwhelmed by the case, and hundreds of small cases have to be reviewed and prosecuted. Do you want to give me an explanation for causing us to work overtime every day?”
“Zhou Jian, you really can’t blame me for this matter, let alone come here. I want to explain.”
Han Bo and Tian Cheng nodded slightly, sat down and said with a smile: “As far as I know, the city leaders came over for a workin

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