
ll the door after you find out.”

ll the door after you find out.”
He walked back and forth like a thief, repeatedly confirming that only this house was playing TV. Han Bo didn’t want to do it again. Waste of time, knock on the door.
The people inside were startled, hurriedly turned off the TV, opened the window and asked, “Who is it?”
He had just called the police quietly from the front and asked about the caller. Han Bo knew his name, so he raised his head and said, “Yang Xinjun, this is Liangzhuang Public Security Bureau. Police officer Han Bo, I’m here to find out more about the situation. It’s late at night, don’t wake up the neighbors, come down and open the door.”
Han Bo, Han Strike!
The name of the person and the shadow of the tree made Yang Xinjun break into a cold sweat and did not dare to come down.
His parents didn’t know why, so of course they came out to check if someone called the door. The honest farmer was frightened when he saw the police and opened the door immediately.
“Old Yang, old sister-in-law, don’t be nervous, it’s not a big deal. We are patrolling here, so feel free to come in and take a look.” Chang Haitao recognized them and spoke slowly to comfort them.
Han Bo and the second elder smiled slightly, looked around, found where the stairs were, and quickly walked up to the second floor with Mi Jinlong.
The young man just got married during the Spring Festival, and the big red words “Happy” are still posted on the door of his new house.
Yang Xinjun put on his clothes, walked out of the room in a daze, and asked anxiously: “Director Han, I just came back from Jiangcheng yesterday. You, what do you want to know from me? I don’t know anything, and I didn’t do anything.”
Banging on the door in the middle of the night, The whole family was frightened.
Besides, it’s better to be young than to be newlyweds. It’s not good to disturb other people’s good things. Han Bo pointed to the room and asked with a smile: “Is the bride in there?” ”
She, she stays at home every day, what can happen to her?”
/“She It’s okay, you’re in trouble!”
Han Bo straightened his face, stared into his eyes and said: “Yang Xinjun, we can’t come to your door in the middle of the night for no reason. Take out the DVD player, take out the disc you just put in, don’t let him Let’s go in and scare her.”
I just bought the DVD player, and I don’t know what was playing downstairs. How did the police know?
Han Changchang came to the door in person, and the video player and CDs were inside. Yang Xinjun didn’t dare to take any chances, so he could only go back to the room to take out the video player and put a few yellow CDs on the table.
“Just these few?”
“Just these few, gone, really gone.” ”
Where did you buy them?”
“Jiangcheng, bought them near the construction site, thirty yuan each.”
Han Bo looked down. After looking at it and taking notes, he asked: “Where is the DVD player?”
Yang Xinjun said honestly: “I bought it from a flea market near the construction site, but the DVD player is new and has a packaging

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