
ed. In fact, the seventy-seven snow beasts did not even touch him. He was Elder Nulang among the two elders of Hanshan Mountain who was killed by Nulang Kuangtao. He was cut with a knife, and the knife suddenly came out from his back. The sword was so fierce that it really caught him off guard.

However, Taoist Lingxi did not blame Nu Lang, because whether he was Nu Lang at this moment or not was a matter of two opinions.
“Ho, ho ho” there was a meaningless roar in his mouth. At this moment, Nu Lang had obvious white hair growing all over his body. His originally thin figure was strangely swollen and strengthened at this moment. Zhu Peng just Through visual inspection, he noticed that his own osteochondral fascia was about 20% stronger than before. Think about it – few of the people who died in the extremely cold abyss of Hanshan Academy were on the ninth level of Qi Refining, but they After transforming into a giant snowman, not many of them are below the ninth level of Qi Refining. This kind of thing itself is already very revealing.
“Senior Brother Nu, Senior Brother Nu, what’s wrong with you?”
Everyone looked at Elder Nu Lang coldly and defensively, with the exception of Kuang Tao. He had been such a good friend who had been getting along day and night for decades in his life. He could not accept Nu Lang’s transformation into a beast without any warning, just because of the violent force. His mood swings prevented him from noticing that the faint white hair on his body gradually increased.
/He didn’t notice it himself, but Zhu Peng and the other three people noticed it, especially after they knew what Elder Nulang was gradually becoming.
/“Headmaster Lingxi, you think there is no problem, right?” Zhu Peng raised his neck and pointed at the duo of Raging Waves and Kuangtao who were gradually alienating. At this time, what else could Lingxi Taoist say? He could only twist the expression on his face. With his muscles, he pointed the unsheathed spiritual sword at his former senior brother.
“You don’t have to worry about the high priest, I naturally know how to clean up the house.” Without even looking back, Taoist Lingxi said this. This was the first time that Taoist Lingxi was rude to Zhu Peng after entering the abyss of extreme cold, but Zhu Peng But he felt that his rudeness this time was more irritating than any of his previous politenesses.
The two famous elders of Hanshan died in the hands of their own leader. Furious waves and Kuangdao, who were good at joining forces to fight against the enemy, died in the hands of Taoist Lingxi this time. Until their final deaths, they did not make a decent counterattack. . Kuang Tao finally discovered the abnormal changes in himself after discovering that Nu Lang had completely transformed into a beast. His first reaction was to turn around and run away. It seemed that his remaining sanity also let him know what kind of ending he would face, and Nu Lang After Lang Ze completely transformed into a beast, he rushed towards Taoist Lingxi. The moment one man and one beast

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