
s while connecting with his spiritual mind. As a Blood Soul Ridge position Zhu Peng, a high-ranking high priest, can command any battle at any time. There are troops that Zhu Peng does not have the right to directly command in the entire Blood Soul Ridge, but the number is not even more than three. They are just the private armies of Zhu, Su, and Li. . Riding the flying sword, he led Qin Yue to the military formation. Next to Ye Xuancang, Zhu Peng unceremoniously took over the command from Ye Xuancang. Ye Xuancang himself had no objections and even cooperated very cooperatively with Zhu Peng. As his deputy, he unified and controlled the entire Hanshan military strategy.

This is a strange tacit understanding between the two people that does not require words, because he is well aware of the plans laid out by Cang Hanzi and Taoist Lingxi, and he also knows Zhu Peng deeply.
/Ye Xuancang knew that since Zhu Peng was already standing here, it could only mean one thing. Cang Hanzi and Taoist Lingxi were probably dead. After many calculations and even fighting to the death, the two of them failed to give Zhu Peng the final answer. Peng brought severe trauma. Otherwise, Zhu Peng would not have calmed down so far and unceremoniously seized the power in his hands.
“Nowadays, people are fighting for their swords and I’m fighting for their flesh and blood. I just don’t accept it. All the masters in Hanshan Academy are gone. What can I do?”
These thoughts flashed through Ye Xuancang’s mind, making him naturally cooperate with Zhu Peng. It is better to live under the guidance of Xue Po than to have the whole clan be destroyed and all the members of the clan be wiped out in this catastrophe. It is better to be happy.
/The Hanshan Army fell slightly into the hands of Zhu Peng. The Blood Po Ridge side did not dare to continue playing soy sauce after the high priest came out. Perhaps Zhu Peng was not as good as those famous masters who were truly proficient in this art in terms of battle formation and military art. talent.
However, the increase in Zhu Peng’s personal prestige over the Blood Soul Ridge and even the Cold Mountain Monk Corps was beyond the reach of ordinary soldiers. This was the prestige accumulated from decades of being invincible and invincible. To be more specific, it is as if Zhu Peng has several haloes of fanaticism on his body. Once he stands in the formation of his own army, even if he does not send a sword or say an order, he still has a strong influence on the morale and power of his own army. The rather terrifying rate of increase is what the ancients said: “The courage of a general.” This is what the ancients meant.
“The so-called ‘false name’ is sometimes very meaningless, just like a floating cloud, which does not bring any real benefits to the owner. But sometimes it is indispensable. Because I am Zhu Peng, I am from Blood Soul Ridge High Priest, I am undoubtedly the strongest person in the entire Qinling Mountains for hundreds of years. Therefore, my existence has the ability to influence the judgmen

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