
narrow formation, it is impossible to avoid it, and there is even no place to escape.

As the ground shook, there was a dull boom, and the spirit mist formation eye, which in Zhu Peng’s eyes had always been extremely tough, almost indestructible and uninterrupted by external forces, twisted, expanded, and then disillusioned, and the white cloud spirit mist began. A large area of ??explosion flow. The thirteen-layer Heavenly Fox Qingqiu Clan Protector Formation that shrouded the surroundings and wrapped the monks from the three sides for more than a year began to completely collapse.
The cloud pillars that almost penetrated the heaven and earth spread out, reaching into the blue clouds and down into the underworld. The spiritual formation that had been solidified for hundreds of years was disintegrating and collapsing. This feeling was like the collapse of a hundred-foot mountain standing in the world overnight. The momentum was trembling, as if being punished by heaven. Countless ferocious holes opened up on the flat ground in an instant, and the sky and clouds above were stirred up and turbulent, slowly forming a huge vortex covering a hundred miles in radius, absorbing and absorbing this formation all night long. The massive amounts of spiritual energy that were lost and spilled during the collapse.
/Although only the 12th level of the formation was broken, the entire Han family’s ancestral land was the 13th level of the formation. The brilliant formation master had already said that the 13th level of the formation was only the first 12 levels of the terrifying formation. Although the basic construction is important, it is the foundation and the foundation, but it is not very powerful in itself.
After a violent night of spiritual energy overflowing, the white energy and spiritual mist dissipated on the second day. The real Tianhu Qingqiu finally appeared in front of the three tribes of cultivators. Although it was from the perspective of the enemy, anyone who looked at Qingqiu in front of them had to admire: “What a blessed place on earth, a paradise.”
Centuries old trees, lush and lush.
The spiritual light overflows, and the birds fly like a rainbow.
The green pool is green, and the trees bear red fruits.
/The green grass is fragrant and the dust is like beads.
Looking at the environment and the dense mountain forest that still retains the ancient style under the protection of the spiritual formation for hundreds of years, Zhu Peng closed his eyes and could almost imagine a group of people with fox tails of various colors and bare feet, running and playing here, cheerful and lively but beautiful A touching fox girl. “Today, the spiritual formation of Tianhu Qingqiu was broken. This place can no longer maintain the beauty and joy of the past. Even though I am an invader, I still feel a little heartbroken and unbearable.”
“You feel the same way, then let’s go back. Believe me, tearing beauty into pieces with your own hands is a painful torture.” Standing next to Zhu Peng, hearing the low words just now, the

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