
ects are orthodox. Their fighting and killing are punishments on behalf of heaven. They are in line with the movement of heaven. If we follow suit, we may gain certain benefits in a short period of time, but the final result must be unquestionable. There is no whole body left behind.”

Without waiting for Li Zhe to question, Zhu Peng immediately explained: “There are two reasons. First, after the great cleansing of the invasion of all realms, there will be the entry of the immortal sects. If we always stand on the side of mortals and work for the right path of heaven and earth, If we withstand the disaster of invasion, then those immortal sects will not come to kill us again in the future, and we will lose all our merits. But if we kill wantonly and follow the evil path, it may be easier in the early stage, but in the end we will face The right enemies are those immortal sects who came to Earth from the high-level immortal plane. It is difficult for me to describe how strong they are, but according to the description of the ancestors, those high-level immortal sects have never been able to fight for thousands of years. There is no shortage of powerful madmen who can kill gods, split the sky and ascend to the sky.”
/“Secondly, if we take the evil path of killing a large number of mortals, we may have to face a head-on attack from the local forces of the Earth Star before the immortal sects from all planes arrive. I am not referring to the disasters of those monk forces in the end of the world. They often have too much time to take care of themselves, and what I mean is the head-on counterattack from the six billion humans on Earth.”
Zhu Peng’s words made Su Xin and Li Zhe both unhappy. The habit of monks ignoring the power of mortals has been around for a long time. Even in the Age of Ending Dharma when the Earth Star Immortal Civilization was at its weakest, monks had never faced up to the power of mortals. This This is not an unreasonable pride, but a clear understanding after comparing the level of the two sides’ power systems.
The Earth’s six billion population seems huge, and it even has the power to destroy the entire planet with a large number of nuclear bombs. However, in the eyes of monks, even nuclear bombs cannot pose a fatal threat to them. A monk at the fourth level of Qi Refining can do it. Using the Earth Escape Talisman to escape hundreds of miles, unless the instantaneous lethality of a nuclear bomb can hit the earth’s mantle, it will not threaten the monk’s life. The subsequent nuclear radiation is not unstoppable in front of the monk’s body-protecting true essence shield. Incurable damage.
Of course, it would be very difficult to wipe out all mankind with the pure power of monks at the end of the law, but if the two sides really engage in a life-and-death battle, strong monks who are good at mind control, whether good or evil, may have the ability to detonate the nuclear arsenals of various countries, or even to the extreme. , directly shooting nuclear warheads around the world, the monks will c

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