
owever, in terms of Qi control, Chu Tianji can’t even catch up with Zhu Peng. Zhu Peng controls the fine-tuning of Qi. Xianchu Tianji fell into the giant city of Jiufeng in a few steps, and controlled it well. With the natural sniper bombing of the monks below, most of the power of the ultra-long-distance high-altitude descent was vented, and even the remaining little part was easily absorbed by him with his powerful physique. Lift it down and land smoothly.

In comparison, Chu Tianji was in a lot of trouble. Not only was the scale of the meteor shower brought by Zhu Peng far greater than that of Zhu Peng, but the most important thing was that the Nine Sun Divine Fire he used reacted with meteorites from the outside, and the meteorites around him were all affected by him. Under the influence of the traction force produced by the Nine Sun Divine Fire, the meteorite that finally wrapped him became larger and larger, and the more Nine Sun True Yuan he paid. The strength of both parties continued to accumulate until this time, and it fully acted in the planet’s atmosphere. It’s like a little golden red sun falling straight into the world.
It was none other than the crazy Taoist who was confronting him head-on with both swords. Even in the giant city of Jiufeng, which was extremely far away and protected by a barrier, the group of cultivators also felt that the temperature around them suddenly increased, and even as the golden-red “little sun” got higher and higher. As we got closer, the surrounding temperature gradually rose to the point where it was almost like boiling water. Fortunately, this level of high temperature was far from unbearable for the monks.
“Huh” let out a long breath. Facing the giant meteorite that was crashing down, the mad Taoist’s messy hair and robes once again moved without wind. The swords once again crossed each other, and the strong energy condensed slightly. , and then suddenly exploded the next moment.
———— Combination of Swords and Strikes: Looking northwest, Sirius dancing wildly ————
/Using the precision of swordsmanship to control the frenzy of sword energy, the dense moonlight sword light instantly exploded into a hurricane-like ferocious form and soared into the night. Thousands of huge sword energy wrapped in sharp sword light once again attacked the mad Taoist with the mad Taoist as the center. It poured out from directly above in all directions. The boundless power and the sharp sword energy made all the monks who had just witnessed the power of this magical skill let out a long sigh. In their opinion, such a sword was coming from both sides. Brilliant strangulation, this giant meteor like a small sun, and the giant peak just now should also have the same fate.
However, contrary to most people’s expectations, the stacked sword energy and sword light did not complete the cutting as just now. In fact, the crazy Taoist just cut off a layer of stone skin from the giant meteorite like a small sun, and the fire meteorite inside carried more The high temperature of thousands of

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