

It was once his place of residence, and later became the place where the Fengxi Zhang family settled in Fengyang County. At this time, a jujube tree poked out from the wall of the mansion. It was a jujube tree seed planted three thousand years ago. , is now lush and green, with jujube flowers growing on the jujube trees all year round, which is extremely beautiful.
Although it is not as good as the one in Hao Jingcheng, it is still very gratifying.
The Zhang family’s old house is still being taken care of by the Zhang family.
Zhang Jian thought for a while and stepped into it, but soon he walked out of it. It seemed that the last trace of mortal energy around him was gradually disappearing, and the fairy light surging deep in his eyes became more concentrated and bright.
Just after walking out of Zhang’s old house, Zhang Jian’s expression suddenly changed, and he looked into the depths of the sky.
There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.
The next moment, deep in the sky of Zhoushan Realm, the everlasting Taiyin Star appeared in daylight.
The law of Taiyin Avenue shook, and a terrifying sign suddenly appeared on the Taiyin Star in the sky.
Outside the beautiful white moon, it seemed as if there were countless demons and ghosts turning into black clouds and swallowing up the moon.
“Tengu eclipses the moon!”
/Zhang Jian also felt at this moment that his lunar power was greatly shaken.
The next moment, outside the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, there seemed to be a magnificent blood light lingering on the Lunar Star, and a strong and unknown smell surged in.
Just in the blink of an eye, the Holy Dao Qi inside and outside the Zhoushan Realm rose up, instantly dispersing the unknown Dao rhyme and fluctuations.
Zhang Jian immediately realized that this strange sign came from outside the world.
/I don’t know what happened outside the world to produce such an unknown omen.
Chapter 501: Complete Merits
Zhang Jian made calculations in his hands, but he had too little information about higher realms to make an accurate judgment.
I can only vaguely sense that these changes in the world may be related to those Dao Lords.
This judgment is because Zhang Jian felt that the concepts of “taiyin” and “bright moon” had a momentary gap.
It seems that the concept related to ‘Taiyin’ was erased in an instant, forming an absolute blank.
It’s just that this blank layer was quickly restored by the void in the sky.
Zhang Jian’s eyes were solemn, and there was a vague suspicion in his heart, but this matter had nothing to do with him for the time being, and his mind quickly fell on his own practice.
His Tao Fruit gradually moved from embryonic form to complete form.
Once the Taiyi Dao Fruit is completely formed, it means that one has truly entered the realm of Taiyi True Number.
This is a huge leap from Taiyi realm to Taiyi real number.
The difference between the two is even greater than the gap between infants and adults.
After that comes Taiyi Celestial Immortal and Taiyi Dzogchen.
Taiyi Dzogchen is the

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