
t hundred years or so. In the hundreds or thousands of years after 2012, how uncomfortable it would be if he couldn’t express his ambition. He will definitely support the family’s development in the direction of the sect, because only in this way can he have He has the opportunity to seize power and express his ambitions. If he is always given the corresponding opportunity, I am really worried that one day he will be unable to control himself and betray his blood. At that time, even I will not be able to save him.”

Chapter 657 The final strategy, Zhen Chi surrenders
These words, these thoughts, have been held in my chest for too long, and today I finally took the opportunity to express them. Although it is not unbearable, it still makes people feel comfortable to have someone beside them who can confide in peace of mind.
“Su Xin sticks to the family, Li Zhe and Snake Master lean towards the sect, Elder Zhu and my father have no stance, Li Liehuo and Granny Gu have an unclear attitude, Raptor Taoist and Demonic Purple Bat will definitely lean towards Blood Soul Ridge to develop in the direction of the sect, because they They are not blood monks in the first place. If Blood Soul Ridge really becomes an aristocratic family, their status will be guest ministers or disciples at most. If it develops into a sect, they can even get involved in the position of elders. How they choose is up to them. ” One year. After that, Zhu Peng broke through. Not to mention incorporating the Seventeen Fast and Slow Sword Techniques of Songshan into what he had learned. In fact, he did not even practice the Seventeen Fast and Slow Sword Techniques. How profound, profound and refined it is, not to mention that Zhu Peng is not just a Madaha cultivator who only wants to know how to use it without asking for a thorough understanding. Zhu Peng will definitely understand the essence of it when making swords. Otherwise, it is not enough to integrate it into what he has learned.
/However, even so, Zhu Peng’s cultivation level is still slowly pushed to the peak of foundation building due to the reaction force of practicing superb sword techniques and his own accumulation. After all, Zhu Peng’s pockets are full, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to find ten thousand gold. He took the elixir and ate it like jelly beans all day long. After practicing hard to practice the sword, he digested the elixir with his body that was depleted of true energy. If such a high-intensity and extravagant practice did not improve at a high speed, there would be no one in the world who could improve his own cultivation. A cultivator.
“It’s a pity that this is not Blood Soul Ridge. Otherwise, I could try to break through to the Soaring Realm. When my skills are at their strongest, I can already sense the attraction of Yuan Qi from above the nine heavens. If I can break through in one fell swoop, my cultivation The efficiency can definitely be improved several times or even dozens of times.” Zhu Peng said with a slow sigh.
/“It doesn’t matter. At the peak level

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