
world Palace and transforming countless wronged souls and evil ghosts, his Qinglian Suffering Heavenly Master Taoist personality finally transformed from the third turn into a Taoist status.

Its luck appears pure purple.
At this moment, Zhang Jian felt that the incomparably magnificent power gathered from all directions and merged into the pure purple personality. At this moment, he felt that the Tao Xing flowing in his body expanded all the way. It seemed that he had rushed through three turns in an instant, and stepped into an impossible state. imaginary situation.
It seems that with a thought, he has the power to control the underworld and change the world.
With a slight movement of the eternal will, one can control the free combination of the rules of the boundless heaven and earth, forming various powerful acquired forbidden methods of gods and forbidden methods of innate gods.
That power far exceeds the scope of fifth-level eternal Taoism.
“It turns out that this is the power of a Taoist master!”
Zhang Jian raised a palm and moved it slightly, as if he could easily destroy the laws of heaven and earth.
This kind of power is beyond imagination.
With just a slight perception, the joy in Zhang Jian’s eyes suddenly subsided.
/Although the Qinglian Rescuer Tianzun has been promoted to the Taoist status, it can actually only be regarded as a unipolar Taoist status.
In other words, in the fairy world, he is a Taoist personage.
But it was not recognized by the Chaos Origin Ocean.
Once it leaves the Immortal Heaven Realm and lacks the support of several core powers such as redemption, netherworld, purification, relief from suffering, and the way of heaven, its power will soon fall like a tide.
This is the status of his Qinglian God of Suffering.
The same is true for the status of Emperor Ziyuan.
But even if he is a unipolar Taoist personality, he is still a Taoist personality.
However, Zhang Jian also knows that the same Taoist status can be divided into strong and weak ones.
The person of the Emperor of Heaven, no matter where he is in the heaven, is the supreme and noble central person, far superior to other persons of the same level.
But after obtaining a pure purple status, Zhang Jian has more confidence in the upcoming battle.
Boom! !
With the birth of the Pure Purple Person, a magnificent omen emerged from the depths of the Nine Netherworld. The boundless purple energy emerged from the depths of the heavenly source. Accompanied by the sound of dragons and tigers roaring, there were real dragons, white tigers, unicorns and real phoenixes. It was condensed and formed from the void, with Zhilan in its mouth, or the strange and fragrant fruit descended from the depths of the void and fell into the vast pure purple divine light wheel behind Zhang Jian. It seemed that the infinite pure land void was manifested inside. film.
Those orchids and strange fruits are actually part of the redemption, purification, netherworld, and the authority of heaven.
/Each piece of Zhilan and the strange fruit fell int

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