
anque is indeed a better choice.

It’s better than Minghuang Temple.
Because it is easier to get in touch with the origin of the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm and the Earth.
Zhang Jian naturally did the surveying and mapping himself, but just to cope with the responsibilities, Zhang Jian specially refined a fifth-level eternal immortal treasure called the Jinyuan Earth True Shape Map.
In fact, he took the opportunity to record part of the true shape of the earth into the Earth Emperor’s Golden Book, thereby further analyzing the secrets of the various rules of the earth and completing the origin of the Earth Emperor.
With the will of God Emperor Danque, the King of Jinyuan Heaven and Earth, the gods did not dare to fight against the ‘Surveying and Mapping Team’!
Even if a strong person jumped out to oppose him, he was easily suppressed by Zhang Jian.
It does not take long to survey and map the land of Jinyuan Heavenly Realm.
Zhang Jian then went to the human world again and merged the true shape of the earth in the human world into the Jinyuan Earth True Shape Map.
After completing all this, the true shape diagram of the Jinyuan Earth was slightly transformed, and the first acquired immortal divine forbidden spiritual light was condensed, and it was faintly transformed towards the acquired spiritual treasure.
This strange sign was noticed by the Taoist masters who were traveling with him, and they were also secretly frightened.
To be able to refine a treasure of the level of the Houtian Lingbao, Qinglian Taoist master is very accomplished in weapon refining.
Possessing special skills can always win the admiration of other immortals.
Weapon refining and alchemy are the two most important skills among the immortal arts.
After completing the instructions of God Emperor Danque, Zhang Jian personally entered the depths of Jinyuan Taoist Court and obtained the identity and nameplate of the master of the Creation Subnet.
Zhang Jian is quite lucky.
/It should be said that the other third-turn great magical powers are relatively lucky, and no one competes with them for the position of the master of the creation subnet.
In fact, what Zhang Jian wants to do more is to create the Jiuyou subnet, or the Earthly subnet, so as to enhance the power of good corpses or unborn evil corpses.
However, since he had taken over the power of the Creation Subnet by mistake, he put his energy under the Creation Subnet.
In Danque Dao Palace, Zhang Jian sat cross-legged and worked hard to design and refine this subnet of creation.
At this time, his majestic eternal will has noticed the changes in the depths of the void in the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm.
A magnificent network connects all the laws of heaven and earth, covering the sky.
Zhang Jian has personally experienced the power of various dragnets.
In the Zhoushan Realm, the foundation of the heaven and earth network condensed by the Daqian Dynasty is the human dragon energy.
The foundation of the heavenly net is even stronger. It is the power of many heavenly laws formulated by th

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