
the Earth Emperor. However, he has free time to temper the body of the Earth Emperor and practice the method of killing three corpses.

Zhang Jian knew that some of the ancient most powerful people were usually proficient in everything and were not serious about specialties.
After all, if you live a long time, it will come naturally to you to practice concurrently.
The most difficult thing is that he really has this condition.
/But even if it is cultivation, it is just a minor training.
Emperor Minghuang didn’t teach the Dharma for long, and it ended after nine hundred years.
Emperor Minghuang left directly, and Zhang Jian was also preparing to leave Qunyu Mountain.
But at this moment, Taoist Chiping, who was beside Emperor Minghuang, found Zhang Jian and offered to recruit him.
“I wonder if Fellow Daoist Qinglian is willing to stay in Minghuang Continent and share the worries of His Majesty Minghuang?”
Under the Biwu tree, Zhang Jian was not surprised when faced with the solicitation from Chiping Taoist Master. Seeing Zhang Jian speechless at this time, Chiping Taoist Master immediately offered the generous conditions that he had already prepared. out.
This time, in order to retain this third-turn great magical power master, Chiping Dao Master also did his homework.
Although Divine Emperor Minghuang is one of the nine great emperors, the number of powerful men under his command is very few. At this time, the help of powerful men is needed to help stabilize the overall situation.
There are many interests in Jinyuan Heavenly Realm, and it is not convenient for Minghuang Divine Emperor to fight for them at present. After all, he still has to take into account the rules of the game between the nine great Divine Emperors, and he cannot personally end everything.
That is against the rules and is disgraceful.
If you can get the help of a third-turn Taoist, you will definitely be even more powerful.
Chapter 710: Daoxin Green Lotus Curse, Advertising Effect
Seeing that Zhang Jian did not refuse immediately, Chiping Daoist smiled even more on his face and listed many conditions one by one.
“Fellow Daoist Qinglian, in addition to one source of authority.
Your Majesty also promises you that you can gather the power of redemption in the Jinyuan Heaven Realm on your own, and even control part of the Hades authority in the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm.
Since you are an immortal god under His Majesty Dongji Qinghua, I guess you are also good at redemption. If you can gain another part of the authority of the underworld, wouldn’t it be of great benefit to your cultivation! ”
/Zhang Jian’s face was slightly calm, he just glanced at Taoist Chiping, then shook his head and said.
“Friend Chiping, do you think these conditions are really attractive to me?”
Upon hearing this, Taoist Chiping frowned.
In her opinion, Emperor Minghuang had already shown great sincerity.
The original Taoist master of one party controls the rules of a great avenue of heaven and earth.
This is real authority and luck.
The personality of one’s o

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