
o came from a wealthy local family. She was famous for her loyalty, filial piety and justice. During the troubled times, she used herself as a trap to lure the rebels into the trap. After her unexpected untimely death, she became the leader of the local people. It is remembered that many gentry later petitioned, and the local county governor came forward to build the Red Flower Empress Temple to commemorate this heroic woman, and also to praise loyalty and filial piety.

The original belief of the Red Flower Empress was very pure.
Only in the past ten years has it evolved into the Red Lotus Way, with the slogan that the Red Lotus comes to the world to save all sentient beings.
Earlier, the believers of the Honghua Empress Temple were just ordinary people. These people also talked about loyalty and filial piety, and occasionally asked for children. After the success, a mess of beliefs gradually came into being.
He strolled up to the shrine, and with the incomprehensible look on the paper mannequin Zhang’s face, he lifted the red silk of the shrine. What came into view was a dark-skinned demon god with eight arms emerging behind him and a black-red golden wheel behind his head. .
Wu Zi untied the red silk, and an invisible scent of incense flowed out of it.
When the paper man Zhang saw Zhang Jian’s actions, his eyes were a little surprised, but he still stood motionless.
For them, this shrine is more like a channel for receiving news, and they occasionally use it to worship.
At this time, as the red silk was untied, the voice in Zhang Jian’s ear seemed to be clearer, with a hint of surprise.
“Mr. Sir, can you hear me?”
Zhang Jian looked straight at the divine eyes, and with his keen mind, he felt a sharp fluctuation of the divine power in them, but he heard the voice say again suddenly.
“Mr. Lang, if you can hear my cry for help, please give me a stick of incense. I will be grateful to you!”
Hearing this, Zhang Jian smiled and said: “One stick of incense? I’m afraid you won’t be able to bear my one stick of incense!”
Hearing this, the power of the incense around the strange statue fluctuated faintly, and there seemed to be words coming out, but they seemed to be gradually blocked, and the words were slowly distorted.
His eyes fluctuated slightly, as if he saw the other party’s dilemma, and he smiled.
“You are also a poor person. In memory of your filial piety and loyalty, I will give you half a stick of incense today!”
“I hope I can help your dreams come true!”
Hearing Zhang Jian speak, the paper man Zhang felt it was extremely strange, but Zhang Jian was far superior to him in Taoism, so he immediately took a stick of incense nearby and handed it to Zhang Jian.
Zhang Jian casually broke off the stick of incense in his hand, leaving only half of it, then lit it and inserted it into the incense burner.
Chapter 112 Reversal
The incense is faint, going straight into the depths of the divine form!
Fengyang County suburbs
/Honghua Empress Temple
The area around the Red Flower Empress Temple has been ext

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