
finger, is not something that a young person can humiliate.

Although they were very angry, these elders who begged for heaven also knew what kind of talent and swordsmanship the young-looking Xixia martial arts lord in front of them had.
/Facing Zhu Pengyu’s disdainful words, he remained unmoved. The leader of the seven people, an old man with red eyes and gray temples who had reached the peak of his cultivation, took two steps forward and responded politely in a hoarse voice: “Martial Arts Lord, Do you know? This time, my brother Qi Tiandao came together not only to avenge the blood revenge of Sect Master Qiao, but also to die.”
His voice was hoarse and harsh, like two pieces of rusty iron grinding together. Although he tried to be calm, Zhu Peng could still sense a hidden torrent of emotions from his trembling voice.
It wasn’t until this moment that Zhu Peng turned his head in real concern, only to see that the seven people around him had a rather rough, blood-stained rag pinned to their chests.
The moment he saw those bright red rags, the pupils in Zhu Peng’s eyes suddenly shrank.
Although it was almost a year ago, Zhu Peng still recognized those rags from Xiao Feng’s robe at a glance. At this moment, they were sewn on the chest by the seven elders of Qi Tiandao, showing a cruel meaning. : “We are not here to take revenge, we are here to die, to celebrate the death of our brother, Qiao Gang Leader, who is begging for mercy from heaven.”
Such masters who want to die are the most terrifying. Zhu Peng knows that Xiao Feng has a high prestige in Qi Tiandao. He also knows that Xiao Feng died in the battle to protect the elders of Qi Tiandao. This result will destroy his already high prestige. Pull up to a higher level.
But Zhu Peng still didn’t expect that the elders of Qi Tiandao, who were protected by Xiao Feng and escaped in embarrassment a few years ago, would come back today to sacrifice their brothers’ lives with their blood for their sect master. In fact, it is normal for Zhu Peng not to think about it. He never imagined that after Xiao Feng died in battle, the Taoist officials of the Northern Song Dynasty would immediately vigorously promote the heroic deeds of Xiao Feng, the Qitian Taoist. Of course, it was a distorted and distorted propaganda.
Xiao Feng, who obviously died fighting for his brothers and the sect, was promoted as a martyr who died for his country. This slight change of concept is nothing in itself. After all, Qi Tian Dao itself has a certain ideological foundation of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.
However, the Northern Song Dynasty officials deliberately distorted the facts in many aspects. While creating a majestic image of positive heroic figures, they also continued to vilify the elders who begged for heaven.
Especially for the group of people who were shielded by Xiao Feng, the process of becoming red and black was very complicated, but the core content was only one sentence: “The dead people who can no longer open their mouths are great, glorious, correct, and full of hon

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