
ian came and handed over the list and sword manual.

“Why do I only have sword manuals for Qingqing Jianyi, but there’s no one on the list?”
Lu Bei raised his eyebrows: “Tell me the truth, is it because those people are aloof and have few friends, so Senior Sister Zhan doesn’t deal with them.”
“Without that group of people, no one would learn Qingqing Sword Intent.”
/Zhan Hongqu shook his head: “The Wenqing Sword Intent is too obsessed with. Once you successfully practice it, you will be free from other sword intensions. No one has practiced it on Tianjian Peak for a long, long time.”
“I see.”
Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly cursed these two shameless old guys for lying to even the young ones. You deserve what you deserve.
While he was cursing in his mind, Lu Bei suddenly thought of something and smiled lightly: “Senior Sister Zhan, aren’t you curious about the Qing Qing Sword Intent?”
“I’m very curious about the Qingqing Sword Intent, but I have no intention of understanding it.” Knowing that Lu Bei had no good intentions, Zhan Hongqu decisively refused.
“Senior Sister Zhan, think about it again. You have the Sword Intention of Forgetting Love. If you ask for Sword Intention again, forget it after asking. It will not affect your cultivation.” Lu Bei tried to persuade.
/“Thank you for your kindness. If Junior Brother Lu has nothing else to do, I will take my leave first.” Zhan Hongqu took a step back cautiously. Seeing that Lu Bei had no intention of forcing himself, he quickly turned around and left with his sword.
“Senior Sister Zhan, we are done with each other from now on. Don’t contact us again. I’m afraid that Senior Sister Bai will misunderstand.” Lu Bei shouted, making Zhan Hongqu leave three points faster.
Zhan Hongqu didn’t want to practice the Sword Intention of Questioning, and Lu Bei didn’t force it. As we all know, he has always been magnanimous and tolerant towards beautiful young ladies, and rarely criticized them harshly, let alone using fists and kicks to chop them down with the sword. .
Not once.
“Let go of the Qingqing Sword Intent first, and eliminate other Sword Intents. No one has ever practiced it. It sounds weird at first sight. The most urgent thing is to use the Infinite Sword Intent.”
Speaking of brushing, Lu Bei pulled out the Demon-Slaying Sutra again and praised it. In addition to the four-fold increase in basic attributes, the Blood Nest skill is really great.
The only fly in the ointment is that you can only use skills. If you can even use magical powers, it would be perfect.
He opened the lists of sword cultivators provided by the three people and compared them. The one provided by Zhan Hongqu had the smallest number of people. The two lists of Zhan Lexian and Jing Ji partially overlapped, with a total of twenty people.
From these two lists alone, we can see that the people on Tianjian Peak are not all made of iron. There are differences in interpersonal relationships, and
“Did they sell their own teammates, or did they sell their teammates to me?”

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