
d down again and solemnly said: “With my benefactor’s magical power, I was afraid that I would know about the changes in Nanshan before coming here, but now I am willing to meet us here. This shows that my benefactor is compassionate and willing to save this person.” The mountain is full of creatures!”

Zhang Jian said with a smile on his lips.
“You are quite eloquent!”
Hearing this, Hongluan was overjoyed and bowed down again.
“My benefactor, my benefactor, the cave of the Hu clan is not far from here. Why don’t you move your jade toe and follow Hong Luan into the cave? There are also pens, inks, paper and inkstones in the cave, and Hong Luan can entertain one or two benefactors.” All the creatures in the mountain express their gratitude!”
Zhang Jian glanced at the fire fox in front of him, shook his head lightly and said.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a grudge. It doesn’t require any calligraphy. It doesn’t even require me to take action. You can solve the trouble in this mountain!”
Hearing this, the fox demon was suddenly shocked by its power.
Zhang Jian looked at the red fox in front of him and smiled.
“That’s right. With your intervention and my guidance, it won’t be difficult to save this mountain of elves!”
“Of course, if you don’t want to, I won’t force you. I’ll just treat it as a wasted trip!”
/He glanced at the red fox and smiled.
“After all, these creatures in this mountain have no connection with me!”
Red Fox’s face was stunned, her mind was a little confused. She invited Zhang Jian to come. She originally hoped that the expert in front of her would take action to solve the problem in the mountain, but why did it fall on her in the end?
But Zhang Jian was not wrong. After all, this was her home, not the other party’s home, and the other party did not have the obligation to save this mountain of creatures.
See you again. Zhang Jian was about to leave, but Red Fox hurriedly stepped forward.
“Please give me the law!”
Zhang Jian looked at the red fox and nodded. “I can give you some advice, but you have to think clearly. If you enter that special evil with your way, there is a risk of being possessed by the evil and devouring your soul. Are you still willing?”
Red Fox had known this for a long time, and there was some fear in his eyes, but seeing Zhang Jian’s stern look, a trace of difficulty flashed in his eyes.
She has been practicing for hundreds of years, finally cultivating the human form, measuring fortunes and building foundations. If she could, she would not be willing to take risks, but she was born and raised here, and it is difficult to leave her homeland.
Furthermore, once the evil spirit of resentment expands, all the old memories in the mountains may turn into bones.
It is impossible for everyone in the Fox clan, old and young, to leave smoothly!
Zhang Jian’s eyes fell on the red fox.
If the red fox is unwilling, to be honest, he will still save it, but saving all the creatures in the mountain has nothing to do with this red fox.
Many people are like this. When a

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