
but stand up that day.

There was unconcealable astonishment in his eyes.
“You dare to snatch my things, okay, then you can give it a try and see if the demon-killing and immortal-killing sword in my hand is still useful?”
In the cold voice, a gray-black sword energy burst through the air in an instant, tearing apart this magnificent and bright god, causing the bodies of several gods to be directly exposed to the vast ocean of wisdom of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth.
These fire gods looked at this scene with solemn expressions.
At the same time, I felt happy.
Fortunately, the Demon-Slaying True Lord did not take action directly, but only suppressed the divine power of several people with his sword intention.
But this is already a direct warning.
At this time, the boy who was surrounded by light chuckled when he heard this.
“That’s great, no one has to play together, it’s the best!”
His body turned into a streak of fire and disappeared in an instant.
Lord Tianhuo stood alone, his face changing drastically.
There was just a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.
In his opinion, the position of Kitchen God may be the key to realizing the soul. A good opportunity is in front of him, but he can only stop. How can he give up?
Inside the Canal Dragon Palace
At this time, Zhang Jian’s body was filled with strong spiritual energy, and countless spiritual energy manifested into a large area of ??magnificent signs behind him.
/Outlined by inspiration, sacred mountains and rivers emerged one after another, and beautiful mountains and rivers were outlined. It was an incomparably magnificent map of the country, the country, and the country.
Although this map of Jiangshan Sheji is incomplete, even missing most of it, it resonates with the Baolu mana in Zhang Jian’s body. It seems to be integrated into Baolu’s mana, causing Baolu’s mana to expand continuously and absorbing the abundant spiritual power in the Dragon Palace. , inside there is a dripping golden cauldron emerging from the magic power.
Boom! !
There was a riot in the treasure house.
As the master of the Divine Division, the Canal Dragon Lord’s spiritual thoughts were illuminated, and he immediately noticed that the majestic spiritual thoughts were projected on the treasure house, and his eyes were a little surprised.
He saw countless ideas around the treasure house being sucked up by a cauldron evolved from mana like a vast ocean, and cooked into a stream of pure mana.
The manifestation of mana is full of vitality, vast and surging.
Just a moment is comparable to years of hard work by other foundation-building monks.
“What a powerful way to swallow spirits!”
Long Jun looked at this scene and felt amazed.
He has never seen any immortal cultivator in the realm of fortune-telling and foundation-building have such an astonishing speed in absorbing spirits.
Looking at the strange signs around him, it is obvious that Zhang Jian has made great achievements in understanding the ancient maps of mountains and rivers, and may have even mastered a special and

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