
rt and Heaven Realm, but also vaguely makes the atmosphere of the Immortal Court and Heaven Realm even better!

The restoration of the original source of the fairyland and heaven will then feed back the common people of the fairyland and heaven.
Many immortals and gods who participated in completing the laws of the Immortal Court of Heaven and Earth have benefited greatly from this.
Among them, the ones who benefited the most were naturally Tongshan Taoism and Wuliang Taoism Palace.
One is called the Taoist lineage of the Heavenly Emperor, and the other is the Taoist Goddess known as the Immortal Court and the Heavenly Realm. They have the reputation of nurturing the common people and educating the gods.
Taiyuan Tian and Tianchi Holy Realm have become one of the sources of many aquatic gods in the fairy world.
Even if King Yu himself incarnated as a water-moving original Taoist to teach one side, he could not take away the limelight of Wuliang Tao Palace.
In addition, another big force has gradually gained a firm foothold.
That was the Great Xia Holy Dynasty.
After the Great Xia Sage advocated the enlightenment of the ancient saint king, he then established the human race’s holy land of Erlong Mountain Cave Heaven in the Immortal Heaven Realm, where he received some powerful men from the Three Emperors Heaven Realm to come, and taught some of the sages born in this world, and human beings. King, teach the strong human beings various methods of self-improvement.
There are also some humane disciples coming among them.
The disciples of humanity are the elites and heroes born from the fate of humanity.
Perhaps they are not so special in their practice.
But they are all wise men born under the great fortune of humanity. Each of them has a unique understanding of humanity, heaven and earth.
Their will, as well as the sect that was born, has a legacy that will never be extinguished.
It is able to broaden people’s wisdom, especially the energy and spirit contained in it, which is so earth-shattering that even the gods dare not insult it.
/For the powerful human beings, the Immortal Court and Heaven Realm is also a place to practice their own sect’s ideas. If they can educate some humanistic elites, it will also be a great merit.
As these humane saints were enlightened, the strong humanists accumulated in Erlong Mountain gradually became a force, and the incarnation of the Holy Emperor from outside the world settled in.
In the Tai Chi Mountain.
At this time, Zhang Jian met King Yu and Queen Qingqiu.
The Immortal Court and Heaven Realm are on the right track. As for the immortal gods from outside the realm who have begun to enter the earth realm, the directions they can use are very limited, so Zhang Jian is no longer worried.
Moreover, with Patriarch Yu and Empress Qingqiu stationed in this area, Zhang Jian was quite relieved.
Zhang Jian planned to take the opportunity to leave the Immortal Heaven Realm and return to the Central Heaven Realm to worship his ancestors.
Just after talking about the perfectio

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