
“The old immortal is right, everything has yin and yang, there is black and white in the world, and there is a truth about black and black. If we don’t play the bad side, how will the hypocritical villain get the chance to play the bad side.”

“It’s true, it’s true. Without us throwing our lives and blood, where did they get their reputation? They would have fought to the death long ago.”
“Yes, they still have to thank us!”
Inside and outside the Taoist temple, the demons laughed loudly, and for a while ghosts cried and wolves howled, creating a chaotic atmosphere.
The old demon of black blood nodded with a smile, very satisfied with everyone’s agreement.
When he was young, he was full of arrogance, opening his mouth to defy the heavens, and closing his mouth to defy the heavens. But now he is no longer able to do so. The integration period is complete, and the next step is to transcend the tribulation.
He could feel that a very destructive force was paying attention to him.
It is everywhere, and there is no trace of it. If he had to point to a direction, he could only say that it is probably in the sky.
The old demon Mo Xue felt in his heart that the bottleneck was about to be broken. On the day when he entered the tribulation period, his thunder tribulation would also follow.
Suddenly, he panicked.
It is said that Lei Jie favors a demon with such a good reputation like him, and he will double up on him at every turn. As far as his own induction alone is concerned, this rumor is most likely true.
The old devil Mo Xue looked back on his magnificent life and found that
You cannot expect a demon who has committed evil all his life to repent.
Therefore, the old demon Mo Xue looked back and secretly felt aggrieved. He was really wronged.
Killing his master to seize the treasure and slaughtering his fellow disciples are both small evils. He went astray and worshiped the wrong gate. If he didn’t kill his fellow disciples, his fellow disciples would kill him. He wielded the butcher knife in order to survive and protect himself. It cannot be called a crime.
There are also small mistakes such as killing people to seize treasures, eating people’s bodies, killing entire families, and committing adultery. Due to the situation, it is excusable if you think about it carefully.
Either he is forced to survive, or the other party actively seeks death, and he fulfills the other party’s good intentions, or he keeps his word and kills everyone in his family, without even taking the initiative to do evil once.
/Counting and counting, he has not killed many people in hundreds of years, at most five thousand, up to eight thousand, certainly not more than ten thousand.
Not much!
But what was going on with this thunderstorm hanging above his head? It was unprovoked, as if it would kill him if it fell.
/The devil was really wronged.
Ever since, in the past two years, the old demon Mo Xue talked about following the fate, and his bloody past was also described by him as following the fate and going against

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