
Creation in the Great Wilderness implicated in the visualization diagram of the Fuluan Palace?

The two Han Miaojun looked at the visualization diagram and saw the five elements and five qi and the Luan bird, which gave rise to the inheritance method of Fuluan Palace, the five-color wing diagram of Danfeng, Yuxiang, Huayi, Yinzhu, and Earth Talisman, as well as the five elements of life. The Five Elements of Creation after the Lotus Technique is perfected.
According to Lu Bei’s original idea, the Luan is a bird, and the Golden-winged Dapeng and Kunpeng are also birds. Everyone hugs together to keep warm, which can barely be explained.
But the picture on the visualization picture just now broke this assumption.
Luanniao belongs to the fairy world, while Golden-winged Dapeng and Kunpeng belong to the demon clan. Both sides have their own territory. Even if Golden-winged Dapeng and Kunpeng use force, they can only get Luanniao’s body, not her heart.
The question arises, why did he and the two Han Miaojun dual cultivators add their experience to the Great Wilderness Demon Creation Secret Record?
It doesn’t make sense!
In addition, among the secret methods inherited by the demon clan, the Star Formation, Star Flags, Tiangang War Technique, etc. are all related to Star Dou.
The Fuluan Palace has the Secret of Hidden Stars, and the Fu Yao Palace, which is involved in the inheritance of the Fuluan Palace, also has the Illustrated Book of Seven Killings of Star Evils and the General Outline of Jiu Yao Cloud Hidden, which are also closely related to the stars and celestial phenomena.
It’s not that those who engage in astronomy are all monsters and cannot play in the fairy world. After all, the four spirits, five elephants, and twenty-eight constellations are here. There are also sun, moon and stars in the fairy world, so the monster family is not dominant.
But Lu Bei always felt that the astrological secrets of the two palaces were closer to the inheritance of the demon clan.
Immortals and demons are in conflict everywhere, and Lu Bei is in trouble.
He used his clever little brain, but to no avail, waved his hand to open the Yin-Yang portal, and released Yan Xiaoshuang.
“Xiaoshuang, why are you here?”
Han Miaojun was surprised when she saw her old acquaintance. Soon, she suddenly understood and called her sister with a smile.
Poor maid, who is your sister?
Yan Xiaoshuang knew that Han Miaojun was divided into two and saw two identical faces at the same time. She had no doubts in her heart. She followed Lu Bei’s instructions and looked at the visualization picture obediently.
“Tsk, what a well-behaved and obedient Palace Master of Fu Yao Palace, she must have been hurt a lot.”
“Who says it’s not the case? Sister Xiaoshuang is so pretty and beautiful that I feel pity for her. There are only a few men in the world who can block her charm.”
/The enemy’s enemy appears, and the friendship between the two Han Miaojun depends on Yan Xiaoshuang.
It’s just that the painting style is a little off, and the tea tastes

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