
Yuanshen attracted were all really a mob.

“There’s no way to make a fool of yourself!”
He snorted in his heart, with a trace of disdain in his unruly eyes.
The people who came to take revenge this time were actually the two real Yuanshen from the Evil Demon Sect.
Master Yin Eclipse took away the treasure from the two of them. How could they not try to get it back? In addition, they had glimpsed a clue deep in the Daqian Dragon Vein, and suspected that there was an earth-shattering treasure inside, and wanted to take this opportunity to test it out. .
If you can get a clue and report it, the ancestors of the Evil Demon Sect will definitely be rewarded heavily.
Master Nixiang looked down upon these demons, but he still said calmly: “Brother, in addition to the ancient battlefield of Tianquan Pass now open, there are three other ancient battlefields where the forbidden laws have not been cracked. We still have to arrange one or two. This is the above A good natural trap, just take this opportunity to give those disciples of Dongshen Temple a head-on blow!”
Ancestor Baixiang nodded slightly when he heard this.
Soon after, there were streaks of demonic energy and demonic light rushing out from the sky above Tianquan Pass. The demonic aura filled the air, followed by countless miasmas. Poisonous insects penetrated deep into the mountains and rivers along the way and turned into traps.
But this scene fell into the consciousness of the Yang God hidden in the void.
In the void, a figure of Yang God disappeared, wandering in the Xishu Mountains around Tianquan Pass.
This Xishu mountain range is extremely long and narrow, with nine passes stretching all the way. Each pass is guarded by military generals and Taoists sent by the court.
There are many ancient battlefields.
But the first pass, Tianquan Pass, the second pass, Hanchi Pass, the third pass, Taiyechi Pass, and the fourth pass, Dulong Pass, were all occupied by demons.
However, there is an extremely powerful character in the fifth level. He is a strange and vicious man with countless strange powers circulating around him. Even the ancestor of the demons dare not invade him, which is very surprising.
Inside the No. 1 Scholar’s Mansion, Zhang Jianyang transformed into a golden light and fell into his body.
Yang Shen traveled to the Nine Passes of Xishu. Zhang Jian probably had some impressions of this trip, and he immediately made some targeted preparations.
/Half a day later, Taoist Jingming came in a hurry, and this time he brought two jade boxes banned by forbidden laws.
It seemed that he had finally made up his mind.
“With these two golden elixirs of returning to origin, it is possible for Li Ying to transform into a dragon body!”
/Chapter 265: Becoming a Duke in a Hundred Years
The history of Jiuguan in Xishu can be traced back thousands of years.
After the founding of each dynasty, they would be re-reinforced.
The generals guarding the Nine Passes are also extraordinary people, and there are many capable and unusual people among them.
“Xueshi Zh

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