
the world of gods.”

Lu Bei’s eyes flashed with golden light: “The system left by the Great Heavenly Lord is outdated for a hundred thousand years. In the future, there will be no more five great immortals in the fairyland, and the old system should be eliminated.”
Abandonment Sutra nodded, it is exactly this reason, only by wiping out everything against the Great Heavenly Lord can one be qualified to fight.
He said: “I don’t know how to choose, so the Emperor of Heaven might as well recommend one.”
“Gou Chen goes to the palace to see the Emperor.”
Qi Li Jing nodded silently and glanced at Tiandao in confusion. What exactly did Brother Bei want to do? He suddenly couldn’t understand.
On the top of Kunlun Mountain, the palace of Daxia.
Ji Longcheng opened two water mirrors in front of him, one for the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace, and the other for Li.
After hearing the causes and consequences after the Master of All Ways appeared, Ji Longcheng said expressionlessly: “The Emperor of Heaven and the Master of All Ways have formed an alliance. The Emperor of Heaven is the plan of the Master of All Ways. There is one yin and one yang between them, one in front of the other. Later, if the Emperor of Heaven invites you in the future, I hope you two will be more careful.”
/Zhonggong Huangdi and Zhonggong didn’t say a word. The Master of Ten Thousand Ways showed up and defeated the Invincible Five, leaving a lingering shadow, especially for Zhonggong Huangdi. At a certain moment, he wanted to surrender.
It is impossible to throw. It is better to enjoy the shade under the big tree. I would like to worship the Master of Ten Thousand Ways as my elder brother. If not, I will worship the Emperor of Heaven as my northern brother.
His invincible arrogance prevented him from having such thoughts. Looking at Ji Longcheng now, he felt indescribable envy.
All the plans of the Yellow Emperor in the palace were lost, and the fairyland and the four sacred beasts were all taken away by Lu Bei, accelerating the great changes in the world and the return of the Great Heavenly Lord. At this time, he still had dozens of perfect immortals under his command.
They look good, but in fact there is no one who can fight. Now that he is working with Ji Longcheng, he feels like he is being relied upon.
Ji Longcheng used human nature to fight against immortality. The victory or defeat was the cause and effect of Ji Longcheng. It had little to do with his palace Huangdi. The three-party alliance was just a fear of the three members of the chess-killing team.
/Now that the Zhanqi team is defeated without attacking, the three-party alliance is no longer meaningful, and there is no reason to continue to help Ji Longcheng conquer the world.
Of course, this is the truth, but the advantage of having a large number of people cannot be given up, and the dignity of allies must also be maintained. There is no reason to give up the good situation that has been obtained.
However, it is impossible to continue to focus on the humanity of Ji Longche

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