
tor looked at this scene with a cold face and fearful eyes.

It was this power that he sensed in the original land before.
With one sword, he defeated the siege of the saints. The Earth Emperor Ancestral God held the Earth Emperor Divine Sword and looked at the saints lightly with his eyes.
“Do you fellow Taoists still think that my words don’t count?”
The sword light was light and horizontal, and the Earth Emperor Divine Sword seemed to sense a bit of murderous intention bred deep in the heart of the Earth Emperor Ancestor Shinto. It let out a soul-stirring dragon roar, and wisps of sword energy escaped, forming a long river of endless chaos. It trembled faintly, as if it had been cut apart by the sword.
Witnessing this extreme power, the faces of the saints who had been injured suddenly changed.
/Taishang Daozu looked at this scene and sighed for a moment.
“That’s all, this old Taoist can’t bear such a torment, so I’ll just follow fellow Taoist Emperor Di Huang!”
He shook his head slightly, glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun, and then walked towards the depths of the origin ocean of chaos.
Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at the Emperor Ancestor God and asked.
“Fellow Earth Emperor, what will happen in the next era?”
Hearing this, all the saints looked at him.
The Earth Emperor Ancestor God said calmly.
“At that time, all kinds of cause and effect will be entangled, and all the saints will depend on their destiny!”
He strived for the destiny of an era, just to use it to implement many of Yi Er’s own ideas, and to perfect the Qi of the Emperor’s Palace, the meaning of cause and effect. When the destiny of the Emperor’s Palace is completely stable, in the next era, he will Retire and leave everything to the next generation in the Emperor’s Dao Palace to fight for.
Whether they can succeed or not naturally depends on the abilities of these disciples of the Earthly Emperor Dao Palace.
Achievement can be achieved and left in the void of the heavens.
If he fails to do so, he will naturally be sent away, either to another dimension of chaos, or to help him reopen more dimensions of chaos.
This is the original responsibility of the Lord of the original dimension.
Upon hearing this, the Tiandao Sect Ancestor immediately left with the other two side sect saints who could not move.
There is no sloppiness at all.
Since we can’t defeat this Earth Emperor Ancestral God, we can only find another place to stay in the Chaos World and wait for the arrival of the next era.
/After welcoming the saint and the saint Zhunti, they all looked at each other with some helplessness and immediately turned around and left.
Only the four saints, the Jade Emperor, the Wa Emperor, the Fuxi Emperor, and the Jellyfish Saint were left.
The eyes of the Earth Emperor Ancestral God swept across the four saints, and finally landed on the Jade Emperor Saint, and said calmly.
“The saint transcends the time and space of destiny and is at peace and at ease. It is inappropriate to continue to hold the power of the Emperor of Heaven. F

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