
palace, Mo Buxiu looked at his beloved disciple with a speechless face. The overly complicated relationship between Taoists and Taoists made him unable to sort it out and make it confusing. He wanted to make a few words, but was persuaded by Jiang Suxin next to him.

No matter what, just watch the show!
It makes sense, and from the perspective of a passerby, the scene immediately became exciting.
Mo Buxiu found some fun, followed his apprentice’s request, and arrived at the capital of the Heavenly Demon Kingdom.
Also traveling with us was Jiang Suxin.
Lu Bei clearly told the other party that when his dog starts out, it will be the master of the Nine Paths, otherwise the price will be too low and the owner’s face will be ruined.
Don’t stop practicing: (=_=)
Something doesn’t sound right about this, I always feel like I’m being filial.
The Heavenly Demon Kingdom and the Iron Sword Kingdom are adjacent to each other. Due to the rules of the Underworld, there are few fights between the countries. Basically, they never interact with each other until death. The grievances between the Taoist masters are also limited to the Taoist masters, and national wars rarely break out.
War is pointless.
Xi Taisu, when he first came here, beat all nine Taoist masters. After clarifying the rules, only one was left for the dog’s legs to sit firmly.
The same is true for the Sutra of Abandonment. The purpose is stronger than that of Taisu. One is in hand, regardless of others.
Mo Buxiu had become the master of the Iron Sword Dao just a few years ago. He was a low-key person. Few people knew that the master had changed. Ninety-nine percent of the monks in the Iron Sword Kingdom did not know, let alone the Heavenly Demon Kingdom.
Except for the country leader and the Taoist master, everyone thought that the Iron Sword Taoist master was still the same as before.
The capital of the Heavenly Demon Kingdom occupies a huge area. This is the unified style of the underworld, which perfectly caters to the two generations of demon emperors’ “big is good, big is justice” aesthetics.
In the underworld, there is no need to build wonders, because there are wonders everywhere.
/Just like the Heavenly Demon Babel Tower in front of you, it has a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine floors from bottom to top. Each floor is a realm. Each realm has a mustard seed and Sumeru. It was created by the Heavenly Demon Taoist. It is the supreme holy land of the Heavenly Demon Kingdom.
The Lord of Heavenly Demon is located at the top of Babel Tower. If you want to see her, you must defeat the challengers one by one. The Lord of Heavenly Demon, who is located on the 998th floor, has not lost in three thousand years.
“He has not been defeated in three thousand years, which means he has never been abandoned and beaten. He is just an ordinary thing.”
Lu Bei looked up at the tower, thinking about buying one in the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom of the human world. After thinking about it, he decided not to do it. Rabbits will bite people when they

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